deluxemando's forum posts
Other than SSBB though..that was supposed to be an 07 delayed >.>. 07 for the wii wasn't good. It had a few high points like Zelda, SPM, and the upncoming mario galaxy...but they were few and far between, and my wii was very starved for many months.
But the hullaballoo craze of wii 07 is over...what is there to look forward to in 08? Best I can think of is ssbb but I dont like to count that since it got delayed and they officially ANNOUNCED AT E3 that it was supposed to be Dec 3.
Next?...hmm batallion wars maybe?
Help me out.
Btw I'm talking about a game that isn't likea minigame don't come here flaming me saying how warioware scored AAA >.>
I can make it even harder xD a very promising game for the wii in 08 that...itn's a minigame mess AND...isn't made by nintendo lawl.
I heard the 60gig PS3 is 95% bc w/ PS2 games, and the 80gig is only about 50% bc. Is this true?
I heardddd that 60gb and 80gb are the same price, CDN$499.99. Is this true?
Is it still possible to get a 60gb PS3? Or is it no longer available to purchase...meaning im STUCK with a 50% bc console.
Are the following games bc on the 80gb PS3? Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Libery, Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence, Kingdom Hearts 1, KH2, God of War 1, Prince of Persia Sands of Time, PoP2, PoP3, Spiderman2 The Movie, GTA San Andreas, and all the various FF iterations.
thanks for ur help
No, I traded in my PS2, but that was a big mistake...I feel like playing sons of liberty again and I actually never got a chance to play god of war 2.
Wait is the 60 gig 500 in the states? does anyone know the canadian price? ( even though it SHOULD be cheaper here in canada because of the rising $cdn...)
WHOOAA!!!! I JUST found out that the 40 gig PS3 IS NOT BACKWARDS COMPATABLE. Wtf is this....apparently this is onlt the 40 gig version...I'm DEFINATELY not getting it. No chance. God dam the 80 gig is gonna be like $600+tax...-5 points to sony >.>
how much is a 60 gig PS3?
Yeah, I know what you mean.
Well, what I'm doing is choosing one system that I will play for most of this gen, and then I'll try and buy the other 2 later on when they're much cheaper to play unplayed titles.
Getting the PS3 cause just like you I love my MGS (plus, PS3 has a lot more titles I'm interested in) and then later on (if I can't borrow a mate's Wii or 360) I'll buy the systems and play older titles, they'll all be cheap in a couple of years.
That sounds like a good plan but it's gonna suck watching lemmings go nuts over their awesome exclusives. Well now that I think about it..the 360 being such an unstable console pushes me further toward a PS3...
I hate exclusives...Why can't we all be friends. I'm torn.
Mass Effect or MGS4 (im a die hard mgsfan)
Fable 2 (I loved xbox fable) or Heavenly Sword
Gears of War or God of War 3
Man the only reason PS3 is even in the question is because of MGS4. I got a PSP JUST for for mgs portable ops and mpo+. I love MGS and MGS4 looks too freaken crazy...but is itso good that I want to pass up something so epic like Mass Effect and my second favourite RPG of all time - Fable. Not to mention, any chance of a KotOR 3, it will be 360 exclusive (on account of the first 2, which are my favourite RPGs of ALL TIME were exclusive to MS).
Sony should be very glad that MGS didn't go multiplat. It would have dented the PS3, possibly beyond repair. I have a childhood attachment to MGS that I don't think I can give up, and I can't possibly afford 4 systems..(PSP, Wii, I already have, Im deciding between 360/PS3)
What would you guys do.......
Thank jeebus that Assassin's Creed is multiplat.
As an added factor, here in Canada (eh?) a 360 premium is $449, a PS3 atm is $399 (packed in with Spiderman 3Blueray Package).
What to do, what to do.
That has been their life for thousandsgenerations. They don't know anything different, they probably can't even concieve the possibility of living without some level of fear. It's almost like a routine. It's just what they do.
We can ask ourselves "Hmm, we're gonna die in about 76 years, why do we spend about 28 years of it in school, and then the next 30 years working? Doesn't make sense how our society works, but it's just been developed this way for thousands of years, that it's no longer something we can change.
[QUOTE="Trading_Zoner"]This is just one example of many of the giant shift of support, away from PS3 and PC and 360 that the Wii will be recieving. I am so jeleous.
Now take my quote out of your nasty sig and replace it with "I got owned my DELUXEMANDO...Sheep rule the world."
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