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demoman_chaos Blog

Sonic Should Be Leashed

I must say, I tried to liek Sonic Unleashed. I tried the best of my abilities to like it. It got good reviews and is liked by many. BUT, I can't. Every time I get some enjoyment, something comes up to stop it.

The daytime levels are all you could want. Fast, fun, and the levels aren't ahrd but are not easy. The day bosses are grand and have all the charm they should. I like the daytime.

Normally I am nocturnal, but Sonic Unleahsed has got me going to bed early to avoid darkness. The "were-hog" is a clunky mess of a game. Imagine Mario meets Mr. Fantastic meets God of War meets Bubsy (if anyone remebers that guy).

The platforming is like Mario, his arms stretch like Mr. Fantastic, teh combhat is a very dumbed down God of War (the two attack buttons mean nothing but inverted animations and mashing, unless you are using the Wiimote+nunchuk then it is flailing). The Bubsy part is because of its constant downfalls. Bad camera angles, small platforms, too-well placed enemies (enemies that blow you back are on the opposite side of a very small platform with decent sized gaps all around), and spastic controls are some of my complaints.

Sometimes you want him to beat up some ice to get whats inside, but you are just out of range. You move forward a bit and press the attack button. He lunges off of a cliff (he is supposed to only lunge when you are dashing, which is only supposed to be when you run on all fours instead of jogging on 2).

At certain points in the game, there are these handles you spin around and release to go upawards. Problem is, it never goes the way you wnat. You time it so you would release and move upwards. He waits 3/4 a turn before letting go and flies to the side. Let go too late, he flies to the side. Time it just right, he flies to the side. The timing is never really constant, and they place them in places that a regular ledge would do so much better.

Th enemies are all teh same. You see one or two new enemies every few levels, but you will still be beating up on the same ones all the time. Some are downright annoying (the freakin bees you can't barely hit without a box, whihc are in very limited supply in most areas), some are just repetitive. Oddly enough, one enemy you face helps you more than you have to fight it (moving platform you grab in a sense).

If Sonic Unleashed would have just been daylight running, it would ahve been golden. But once again Sonic Team decides to scerw up a good game by adding an crappy gameplay element that just doesn't quite work (see emerald hunting, mech walkers, FISHING).

I recommend sticking with the Sonic Adventure games on the GC and waiting for Sonic and the Black Night. If you don't have a Wii, put it next to Sonic Next-Gen in the broken possibilities catagory of your colleciton.

First Chaos Creation

It will be a short flash skit, Naruto vs another gaming ninja. I am either going to have Ryu hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden or the Ninja from Shinobi. I will be using GBA Naruto sprites and (if I can find it) Ninja Gaiden sprites. If I can't get decent Ninja Gaiden sprites, I will go with the Shinobi ninja.

Shouldn't take but an hour or so work after finding the sprites and sounds. It won't be as good as SMBZ, think something more like Godzilla meets Bambi (if anyone remembers that little animation).

Tell me what you think and stay tuned for updates.

Chaos Creations

I am starting to do some work with Flash (and have made several gameplay videos on youtube). The official title of my "studio" (which consists of me) is Chaos Creations. I will be helping my friend Jordan with a Flash website called Flash Fix Studios. It is not on the web yet, since we haven't got much content ready but we are working on several original projects.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Help with Flash, scripts, ideas, submissions, and anything else are more than welcome.

Thanks and I hope to have something worth presenting by Thanksgiving.

I has a Wii

I got a good deal on a Wii first, so the PS3 will have to wait. I got it, Wii Blaster, and 5 games for $275.

I will be posting my Friend codes when I get a chance to write them down. Untill then, go ahead and post yours.
I will be getting SSBB tomorrow, so go ahead and put that one down to.

New Level, New Rant

That's right, I am finally back to my old angry self and feel like opening up a can on some things. Today's target is another visit to the political world.

America fought 2 "conflicts" during a period of time called the Cold-War. They were in the fight against communism which used to be a lot bigger than it is now (odd fact: Less than 10 countries are communist and still over 1/6th of the human population lives in a communist country), but are we Americans any different? Older peopel will scream at me for even thinking America is even close to communism, but we are closer than you think.

Communism: Politcal system of government in which one party rules while the rest suffer.
That is the American definition (or at least, the one I remember) of our second favorite enemy (Muslims are our #1 enemy). Now here is where I get too deep in thought so try to keep up.

Being election year, we will here a lot about Democrats and Republicans. Each group will put forth their most opular character and see who wins. Same thing with the Senate and House. This is where it gets interesting. All but 3 house seatss and maybe 1 senator (rough guesses) are either Republican or Democrat.

Let me remind you Communism= Country lead by 1 party. How does that relate to all this nonsense, the U.S is 98% lead by Republican or Democratic party members. That means that us is lead by 2 parties, making the U.S. a Dual-Communism.

We are so against something we are so closly related to. There are several key differences peopel will point out, but I will squash those shortly.

People will say, "Communist people are poor and can't afford food, unlike us civilized Americans." I reply by telling have one of the highest un-employment rates of the 1st-World coutnries. Not only that, thousands of Americans starve to death each day. We have a better aerage, but our low-end is worse than in Ethiopia because the low-end there doesn't have to put up with constant reminders of their finacial failure (stores galore, pictures of millionaires, and all that stuff).
{More will be coming in later}

Comments, questions, replies?


I am in a bit of a pickle, and I need a bit of help. I am debating between getting a Wii and PS3. I came up with a few good and bad about each that may help you help me.

Nintendo made games are always great
Innovative controls
motion+ add-on could make extremly realistic controls (swordplay, etc.)
better for groups
Better for all ages
All good Sonic games come out for the Wii
Luigi ;)
poor 3rd party support
Not as good for single-player
left out of many good multi-console games
only gets multi-console games when the PS2 does

Better Graphics
great 3rd party games
not left out of any multi-console games
more mature gaming
better singleplayer
Not as many party games
poor Sonic games
much more expensive (console and games)
not as innovative

Any and all help in the matter will be helpful.

Financial planning

I am guessing I will need to make about $400 total in order to be able to Brawl online (250 for Wii, 50 for SSBB, about 100 for Wi-Fi router and the PC adapters), but my car comes first (it needs a few things, the total estimated price is about $100-200)
Total estimated needed to complete everything I am planning on is $600. I am thinking it will take about 2 months from now to reach my goal (low hours right now, but I will soon be getting more) (and that is including the cost of gas and insurance for my vehicle).

Now be warned, my time of knocking enemies besides those beside me off-screen are nearly at hand (and have your friend codes ready at that time, I cannot smash you without the communism).


No real subject, just a bit of an update.

I got a job, so it will only be 1-2 months before I get a Wii and SSBB. After that, I'll be on the prowl for Wi-Fi access. I'll be ready to Brawl online (hopefully) before October. I will accept any and all challenges, as long as a friend code is provided (Wait untill I post that I go it before putting up your friend codes)..

My current set of wheels is a brown 1986 Buick Regal Limited Somerset RS (I think it has every emblem to be given) with the 3.8 V6 (the same engine in the GNX, but no mods). The body is in great shape, except for a bit of surface rust and some cracked fiberglass. Only problems with it is it sometimes doesn't want to start (that only seems to happen after it cools down for 1-2 hours, any other time it starts right up), and the speedometer sometimes likes to bounce around at highway speeds.

Other than that, nothing really out of the ordinary, besides my dog being dumber than usual today and my 2 peach trees having a s**ton of peaches (most of which fell, but there are still over 100 total still on the trees).

New All-American Avi in time for an All-American holiday

Some people celebrate Independence Day by blowing stuff up, just like I do. This year, I have an odd coincidence that works out. You may not think my new avi is all-American, but......
It is from an all-American movie (TMNT2, from the 90's)
based on an all-American cartoon based of of an all-American comic book.
the character is played by all-American Kevin Nash of pro wrestling fame

In a sense, it is about as American as apple pie and explosions (bombs and fireworks).

George Carlin

George Carlin, the great comedian and man of logic has passed recently.

In every generation, there is one man to define the rest. George Carlin is one of them. He made a living off of stating the obvious and pointing out what others missed. He opened my eyes about a lot of things, like how the U.S. is really run to the 8 useless commandments, and even airport stupidity.

He will be missed.