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Breaking from the norm of ranting, I have a different kind of blog post. This time is a about a free-ware game called Exteel.

Exteel is pretty much a third-person shooter (standard FPS controls) based on giant robots. The action is fast-paced and the mechs are very customizable. It is officialy an MMO, but it functions more like a regular FPS but online only.

It features a wide-range of weapons, from spears and swords to giant cannons and rocket launchers to submachine guns and rifles, and even a few shotguns. An FPS fan will quickly get up to speed with Exteel and do pretty well (I am big on Quake and the lowest rank I have gotten is 4th out of usually 6-8, and I have won a few times)

The game modes include deathmatch, team deathmatch, and CTF whihc are all standard FPS games. The unique mode is called Last-Stand. In this mode, all players are on a team and must defend their base from enemy drones. The drones are usually weak, but they come in large waves.

The lock-on system is like that from the Armored Core series, but some weapons have a minimim range which causes many problems. And unlike AC, you HAVE to be locked-on to attack. Without a lock in AC didn't mean you couldn't hurt them still (but the only way to be within attack range and not get a lock is to either be hit by an ECM missle or trying to target an opponent with stealth).

A neat feature is the attack skill. They are fancy moves taht do much more damge on an opponent. One of them is to stab your enemy with a spear, lift him up, then blast him in the head with a shotgun. Another consists of spinning around in mid-air randomly blasting rockets. There is one where you beat your enemy over the head with a sheild, then shoot him with an SMG while he is downed. They are really cool moves, if you are on the delivering end. Being on the wrong end is a much different feeling, knowing you are taking heavy damage and can't do a thing about it.

All is not well though, I have plenty of complaints. First is that many parts can only be bought with NCoins, which you have to buy with real money. The framerate is choppy and there is a good amount of lag (it may be my PC, but it is still a problem since mine is about average compared to all but the PC gamers who stay up to date). The attack system is communist, having to be locked-on when I launch a bullet at someone is a pain. You can be aiming right at them, but you can't hurt them without a lock-on (which has been a problem on several occasions). One gun can be maunally aimed (a rocket launcher of all things), but you still need a lock-on.

Overall, it gets a 7/10. The gameplay is great, but there are many ignorant things that could be changed to make it better. I recommend it to all FPS and giant robot fans, just check it out on youtube before downloading, otherwise you might find yourself on the wrong end of someone's spear and shotgun.

Questions that need to be asked

There are many questions that peoplea sk themselves, but never ask those who need to hear them. These range from economical questions to questions about the war effort. I have decided to ask a few and give you what I think is the answer.

1: Why did we invade Iraq?
A: They allegedly had weapons of mass destruction and illegal warheads. During our attack, the Iraqi army fired illegal scud missles. They lacked anything besides those few that they fired, so that theory means that it was all in vain. The REAL reason is that I beleive W. Bush wanted to finish what his father started in Desert Storm. Big Bush had the U.S. army crush the Iraqi's after they invaded Kuwait. U.S. forces were only a few miles from Bahgdad when big Bush called them off. Now that the little Bush is in office, he wanted to do what his father didn't and take Bahgdad.

2: Why are we still in Iraq?
A: We went in to help improve the standard of living and force our democratic ways upon the Iraqis. We say we were their to liberate them from opression, but we did that in a week or two. It is not about oil, it is not about anti-terrorism, it is about politicians making the decisions when it should be left up to the generals. If the generals had control over what went on in Iraq, we could have been finished by now. Politicians should leave their noses out of wars (at least 75% of wars were started due to politics).

3: Why is the price of gas so high?
A: I went a rant on that earlier but let me remind you all. Gas goes up, shipping goes up, prices go up to offset the shipping costs, the dollar seems weaker since everything is more expensive, gas prices go up due to false thoughts of inflation. Lather, rinse, repeat.

4: Should Hilary drop out of the race?
A: No, this competition has made a split in the democratic voters. While some will stil vote democratic, some may vote republican because Obama won and they don't want him as president.

5: Why do independants only get on a few state's ballots?
A: The two big parties are keeping themselves in power, so they keep the little guys off the ballot to ensure they don't lose votes to them. I think there should not be political parties, everyone should be independant. The party system has a bad habit of keeping people from choosing their candidate. How so? They think they are republican, so they vote for the republican no matter who the candidate is. If there were no parties, he would have to actually look at the candidate and decide about the candidate instead of deciding by affiliation.

I hope this has answered some of your questions and has made you think. Hopefully, you will start asking these questions and help improve the world.

Brutal Honesty

Instead of ranting about current events, I feel like mixing it up a bit.

Reply and post if you want to hear a good thing or bad thing about yourself and I will be honest about you, brutally honest. I MAY decide to post a bad thing or good thing even when you ask for the opposite, so be warned that you may be offended even when you don't want to be.

Go ahead, tempt the fates and reply to this....

The Dollar's Demise

According to many politicians and the press, the dollar is weakening. They say it is losing its value and that it may not recover. As always, I have an opinion I would like to share with you on the matter.

The dollar is not losing its value, it is just everything is going up in price. Rising gas prices mean it costs the truckers more to ship the goods. They pass the higher cost of shipping to the seller. The seller has to raise prices to off-set the costs. Gas companies see that everything is going up and think the dollar is weakening; they try to off-set that by raising gas prices. The rising gas prices continue to raise the cost of everything.
The way to solve the problem of the "recession" is to lower gas prices, giving buyers more money to buy things that have lower costs because of the decrease in shipping.
But, gas prices will not go down anytime soon, seeing as the Arab's golden castle is about a week old and he needs a new one. Plus his Rolls-Royce now has 100 miles on it, so its junk and needs replaced as well.

If you haven't realized it by now, OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) can easily solve this problem. Although, they like the massive amounts of profits they are getting too much to stop. With barrels of oil continuing to reach new record a high, the oil-hungry U.S. economy is going to continue to slump until the government steps in and regulates fuel prices. It may be privately-owned businesses and the government doesn't want to intrude, but it is for the better of the entire U.S. So what if a few millionaires lose a thousand a month! This will boost the U.S. economy and they will get over it when prices go down (if the retailers don't get greedy and use the savings from shipping as profits and keep prices high).

Something I noticed

Did anyone else notice a problem with this month? Easter was in March, WTF? I always thought Easter was an April holdiay, the only worthwhile one they got. Sure there is still April Fool's Day, but that is no fun when you don't know very many people who can take a joke.

April has offically recieved the shaft. It has been reduced from the bunny month, to the month of fools. It has nothing except a decent start. After day 1, it is all downhill untill late May.

Anyone else see a problem with the Easter March?

New Look

I got some new images, with a LOT of help from dragoncub that is.

Take note of the new banner, working link to my Daytona, and a new picture of the Daytona

How do they look?


This rant will be about religion. I had a hard time deciding if this should be under the rant or religion catagory. I went with rant.

All religions are the same. They each were made to answer the unanswerable questions. All of these questions are the same. They are:
1- How the world was made
2- Why the world is like it is
3- What happens after you die.

If you think about it, all of them try to answer the three questions above. Christianity says a God that was just there when time started, built everything. Scientology says aliens killed other aliens, and the dead aliens occupied the prehistoric human bodies. The list goes on.

Christians say that when you die, you either go to a paradise int he skies called Heaven, or a torture pit called Hell. Muslims think that if you blow yourself up, you get 72 virgins (and it doesn't specify if they are guys or girls). Hindu's think you are reincarnated as something else.

My beleifs are none of the above. How did the world come around? Who cares as long as it stays here while I am here. What happens after you die? Nobody but dead people know, and we can't ask them (mediums are just lucky liars who stick to general stuff and let the audience fill in the details).

Another fun fact, God is th number 1 killer in the history of the world. More people were killed because of their beliefs that smoking, cancer, car wrecks, and the black plauge COMBINED!! Politicians come in as a distant second (or third, my memory ain't what it used to be).

The bible is nothing more than a complicated Mother Goose. It is just a book of stories written to inspire. Each story has a morale, just like many of the Mother Goose stories do. The story of Adam and Eve is like the Three Little Pigs, a fable written to teach you something. They each have a morale (Adam and Eve= Don't listen to talking snakes, 3 pigs= hard work pays off in the end).

The morale of this story is, no religion is right. Religion may provide you with inspiration, but don't get crazy with it. And don't push your beleifs onto others. I get my inspiration from Scarface (not the druglord part, but coming up from the bottom to the top through hard work), but that doesn't mean I should worship him.

Muhammed (NOT Ali)

The third entry in my series is about Muslims and their prophet.

First of all, CALM DOWN Mr. Muslim man. Jus because you disagree with some of the non-muslim doings, doesn't mean you have to blow yourself up (let a lone a decent vehicle someone else could have put to good use). Blowing yourself up around your fellow muslims doesn't solve anything, it just makes a mess for someone to clean up (half the time, it is the infidels you hate that clean up).

And why is it so bad that we show a picture of Muhammed (the Danish picture was a little extreme, but you can't stop free speech). He is just another guy, like Jesus or Moses. Only difference is that you guys worship him instead of the others. It was ok to to show his face before 9/11 (South Park had him on the David Blaine episode, helping Jesus stop a ramapging giant stone Lincoln by turning into a beaver and gnawing wood for Jesus to build a giant stone John Wilkes Booth). But after 9/11, you guys all of the sudden make it a sin. Childish if you ask me.

Even odder was the fact that in another episode of South Park (which addressed the issue with Muhammed being said to air on Family Guy), they showed Jesus crapping all over President Bush and no one cared, yet it is wrong to show your prophet handing a fat guy a football helmet with a fish on it?

To get my point across, I found a (funny) picture on the internet which shows what I mean (Moderaters: If there is a problem with the picture, just PM me and I'll take it out)

Comment on what I said. Hopefully, I can get a Muslim here to clarify why showwing Muhammed is bad and why some blow themselves up in response.

Equality the REAL truth

A second part to my ranting sessions. This time, it is about equality and why no one really wants it.

Equality means that everyone equal, no group is better and no group is worse. Many say they want equality, those many are liars. They don't want true equality, they just want to be equal or better off at everything and worse off at nothing.

For example, women want equal pay in the workplace. I disagree with that. The ability to put sexual harrassment charges on any guy (and sometimes girl) for anything makes up for the few cents an hour they lose. Think about it ladies, equality means you won't get special treatment since you are a lady (which you have come to expect in the office).

Minorities want equal jobs. Problem with that is, whites overcompensated them. Affirmitive Action is racism. A white guy could be more qualified than a latin guy, but (because of AA) they hire the latino because he is latin. They do the same for blacks, asians, and even women. If someone is better qualified, they should get the job. Enough said.

Not only is equality in the workplace a lie, it also spills over to all areas of the modern world. Equality means everyone gets the same rights, everywhere. Which also means that because minorities can say all the racial slurs they want, so can the majorities. Women can no longer slap a guy and get away with it (you hit us, we can slap you back (no fist fights, but you get my point). No more women giving nutshots and us men not being able to return the favor (vag hits may not hurt as bad as nutshots, but they still hurt).

To sum up my point here, no one wants true equality. I know I want to be better off than the next guy, so why should he not want the same?

Politcal Correctness and Equality, the views of a white guy

Post your comments on this one. I bet you will have more than a few things to say.

First and foremost, I am NOT racist and do NOT condone such behavior. Now, on with the rant.

Firstly, politcal correctness is a waste of words. Why should I call a black guy "african-american" when he was born an American citizen? To me, he is an American, just with darker skin. African-Americans are people born citizens of some african county, then came to the U.S. and became a citizen. I will still call those people black, though.
If they MUST be called African-Americans, then I demand to be called European-American. It works both ways.

Just like equaility does. I give, you give, that is how it works. I give you equal chances to get a job, you get rid of affirmitive action. I give you equal pay, you don't get special treatment just because you have boobs.

It doesn't end there, we are just getting started on this rant.
White men are the most discriminated, it is that simple. Mexicans, asians, and blacks can say n****r without anyone getting upset. If some white guy says it, they usually get labeled as a racist and get shot for no reason. People say us white men can't jump, they are right about that but that is like saying a black person doesn't like fried chicken. It is racist, but true (only vegetarions don't like fried chicken).
When people say black power, they think of MLK and the civil rights movement. When people say white power, they think of Hitler and the Holocaust. There is a problem with that.

People also need to stop exploiting small things just to get some attention. Al Sharpton is a MAJOR contribuer to this problem. He is just trying to be the new MLK Jr. Ignore him and he will go away
It is people like him who are actually racist and are causing the racism. He made the practical joke at that college into a racist deal. Without people like him, this world would be a better place for us all.

Equality means everyone is equal, not appeasing to someone for something your ancestors did. Think about the present and the future, and stop dwelling on the past. Plan for tomorrow and make the world better for everyone in it, not just select groups.

I hope whoever reads this take something from this. Don't let this go in your eyes and out of your mind. Think about it, and you will see all the problems of the modern day society's twisted views.

(NOTE: The blacks got picked on the most since most of the contriversy is around them)