@neroist @demondogx TSW i never gave a try because already layoffs hitting the studios before the game was out and some more a bit after release made me doubt the support it got after launch. DDO i tried but haveing it already ask me for money to enter certain dungeons a half hour in the game was a huge turn off.
Honoustly i prefer a subscribtion over free to play, as i rather just pay once a month and be done with it then haveing a game fulled with paywalls
But sadly MMO's are to uninvolved to justify the expensive price tags on them now a days, to many games still just try the clone wow (yes im looking at you SWTOR) and i was done with wow itself now that they are basicly double dipping with more and more stuff being added to their transaction store.
If something like Everquest Next manages to deliver on its promises i would mutch rather pay a sub for it then the f2p model, as im afraid i will just keep running into paywalls, with can really take you out of the moment in a game, and usually if you really want to play it a lot make you end up paying more then a sub also.
I dont really want to insult the xone, as i dont care for either console But the archievment craze has gone way to far if its a mayor feature to have an archievment for buying a console on launch day.
demondogx's comments