@stevenspall @demondogx Ah well thats definatly a good improvement, as that was more pay 2 win then anything i saw from tb's vid fo the new patch, being able to just buy the best gear with bling had to go, but still this game couldent keep my intrest, maybe i will give it another try in a few months if there are new classes to explore and more customization for youre castle :)
This game gets old extremely quickly, pretty mutch every castle gets the same, exceot a slightly different corridor, if they really want to keep it intresting it needs more customization and better loot, it was a game about looting gear, and in the patch i played in (with is now fixed) you could just simply BUY the best loot in youre blacksmith
Its funny that the fish fans who try to protect them call ppl out on bashing the guy while they dont even know him, while the guy they try to protect does the exact same thing himself,
@jedi2357 @demondogx Its very simple, if you cant take ppl makeing fun of you, THEN DONT DO IT TO OTHERS!. he asked for it himself he started bitching about everyone and then cries when ppl bite back
@Earthen80 @Pilgrim117 @brainiac1988 yeah, im glad that phil fish is gone, that japanese fan was clearly proud off the fact that they took inspiration from japanese games, and they just completely ripped on his heritige and japanese gamers
God that phill fish guy is so dumb, no one wins, but there are loosers, and those are the ppl who actually looked forward to fez2 and swallowed up all the shit he pulled, the only ppl he is getting at with this are his own sodding fans
@Pilgrim117 @demondogx oh, dont get me wrong, i havent pre ordered it or anything, im just keeping an eye out on it if the general feedback to it is good after a week after release i might pick it up, not gonna blindly buy anything that is 60$ on day 1
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