maybe if youre to fuckign stupid to believe some random site can give you free consoles to test if you give them youre information or pay a i sing up free, then maybe you deserve to get scammed. Its the only way those kind of ppl wil learn to think.
God the fucking arrogance of the gameing industry, they treat us like criminals instead of customers Could you imagine if the movies indusrty is like this ?
Preorder a movie and get the first 5 minutes exlusive, Dident pre order it ? wait outside till the rest saw it But the stunts & effects dlc and we will give you glasses with with you see the special effects. Dident buy it ? no explosive's lightning effects ETC.| Buy the Deluxe edition and get the last 10 minutes, dident buy it ? you wont see the end. And every 5 minutes a worker will come up to you and force you to show youre tickets while you try watch the movie because they want to be sure YOU really bought the movie
This is how the movies would be if they had the same bullshit as we Gamers have to deal with
PLEASE LET THE DAMN INDUSTRY CRASH! Il enjoy indy games for like a year or something. and let some new big publishers come out after that and see how that goes,(no way they can screw up as terribly as this genaration of publishers and developers do)
Ah, its good to be pc elitist scum Who ever tought that with the cost of high end PC's we most likely on the long term will be off spending less money ^.^
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