You can add Simcity to that list too Im not buying that they are in any form happy with the number of sales it made,it had like 1million in pre-orders and day 1 sales, but the number of sales dropped down real hard after the game did become unplayable and is filled with bugs, concidering the amount of hype, advertising they put into it, and that this aint a new IP, im not buying that they are happy with 600K sales over 2 months (not counting day1- pre orders)
And an always on drm/servers is both an unpopulair and expensive form of drm
@green_scorpion @demondogx @Starkzard @IanNottinghamX like i said im still hopeing that EA will fall down this year, and their IP's go to better companies, and 9k jobs compared to millions of customers getting screwed over is indeed insignificant, but i do still hope as little jobs get lost as possible
@Starkzard @demondogx @IanNottinghamX dont get me wrong, i do want ea to go, as they release horribly buisness practices that negativly affect customers, i would just mutch rather prefer something like a buyout, something that prevents as mutch job losses as possible.
@IanNottinghamX i dont think we should be cheering at ppl looseing their jobs, these are the hard working ppl looseing their jobs, the scumbags who make all the decisions that we hate are still employed with million dollar salery's
Pachter: Is demand for Star Wars games still there? Well uhm youre the fucking analyst, with is not a real job btw, how about you go find out, or do we have to do youre job now with is stateing the obious
And it is very simple, Battlefront 3, let Dice make it, and even half the ppl who are into shooters and claim to hate & boycut EA will buy it.
@Lhomity @demondogx No, im fine with more content being added to a game to increase the amount of time you can get out of it, my problem is with what kind of content now a days comes out and the price it comes at, ofcourse i or anyone else cant judge if the content is worth the price, but in the dlc era its very often that the content released and the price it comes at is not worth it, therefore i also never pre order game's i can live without that small reskin or that unbalanced weapon that makes a game to easy,
but instead of these small amounts of dlc i mutch rather see a bigger form of new content added that improves on machenics add some new features and throws more stuff in the game, for ofcourse a higher price that the average dlc, instead of the usual uninspired dlc milkings games have these days, ofcourse borderlands always been good at makeing content worth its price, but with the increased amount of dlcing from gearbox i do start to worry about it.
@dlCHIEF58 @demondogx no this is bad, back in the day we had this thing called expansion packs, way more content worth the price, now a days they will charge you 10$ for 1 new character and ppl who are fine with that but this cause's less content for more money bullox
demondogx's comments