If i were to buy battlefield 3 or 4, with would mean that i would actually be stupid enough to free willingly download spyware on my pc, i would definatly do it just for the multuplayer, now if anyone comes here to bash the game id suggest you wait untill they start to detail the pre order shit, dlc, in game microtransactions, xp boosts and the several different versions, Normal, Deluxe, Double deluxe, Milked version. to be revealed.
those 45milion arent even all origin made accounts If you ever made a store account in the past its automaticly converted into an origin account, and even if you never bought or installed origin but still had that store account they count you as 1 of there loyal satisfied customers who embraces microtrasnaction and loves to use origin.
Every company is out to make profit, There will never be a company that is fine with going bankrupt as long as the customers every wish is forfilled
But, There are two ways companies go about makeing profits 1. There is the, Milk out the customerbase as mutch as humanly possible, Drm,DLC, Preorder bonus, Deluxe editions, Mircrotransactions and there are most likely some more shady tactics i forgot to mention. Companys known to go for this are : EA. Activision, Ubisoft
2. Secondly there is the loyal customerbase, Try do as mutch to make the consumer happy without it going at the cost of too mutch profit, and by this way building op a big fanbase who are more likely to buy youre games on release because they spend some of the possible profit they could have made to keep their customers happy, Like give free content every now and then, or devote extra resourches at things like modding. Companys known to go like this are : Valve,Projekt Red, and a lot of indie developers.
Ofcourse there are also a lot of companies who sail between keeping customers happy and trying to milk things a little bit, Paradox is a good example of this
As long as ppl cant have the self control to say no to the companies who milk them out and temp them with an advertise budget that is a lot higher then the game budget these companies will stay alive, and those getting milked out by them deserve getting screwed.
Those who got a hard-on for destiny are gonna get milked hard too.
nope not buying it, **** off youre a horrible company, yes youre not the worst of america, comapnys like bank of america, or Carnival cruisers( who left standed ppl to die) are far worse but you are the worst scum of gameing, you beated activision with says enough, you should go do gameing a please and just go disband, Simcity is the latest piece of show and tell that shows how horrible of a company you are, not only the online issues but the fact that you butcher up a game in several versions and that the only free content you would ever give for it is sponsored by a company, im glad i dident buy that shitty abomination im glad im not a customer of youre company for years and i will be even more glad when youre horrible company is a thing of the past.
im not happy with either console at the moment, i know il get the ps4 fanboys on my back for that as i dont do the obligated flame xbox thing, but damn the ps4 more looked like a social platform then a gameing console to me, if this is the future of consoles il go with Pc haveing to watch all those skyrim mods makes it damn tempting.
@JoeGamer1234 @demondogx Really ? dead space 3 and simcity plummeted of the top 20 really quickly, at least in UK, americans are less likely to pass off shinys thrown in their face.
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