Thats bullox, We all knew this was gonna happen, unless you want to say you learned nothing from Diablo 3 ? Customers have been warned tons of times that this would happen, You americans just have no restrain and as soon as a shiny gets throw at ya youre wallets go empty
Still, the best game to come out this weekend Hope it tops the charts But the mp still has no reason for being in this game, really wish some games would just focus on makeing the sp as good as possible and not stick in some unwanted mp mode
I'ts a good thing you idiots dont get a refund You have been warned countless of times not to support online drm Maybe now you will learn the hard way, and stop supporting company's like EA.
@Zaistev_basic @theend3r I'm against piracy, but when it comes to Ea or Acti$ion, i rather see ppl pirate it then support disgusting practices like this
Here goes to hopeing the EU servers dont crash And dont get me wrong i dont say that because of EA's benefit I hope that the european players have more sence, that they dont buy this scam, that they dont throw their money as soon as EA shows something shiny at them And that so little ppl in EU bought it that even EA's crappy servers can handle it
demondogx's comments