That game gives me the chills.
deuce85's forum posts
[QUOTE="excelR83"][QUOTE="Arcade-Fire"][QUOTE="Blazerdt47"]have you only started playing games yesturday?Wow, so I just finished MGS4 the other day. Let me tell you would a truly epic game it was. I have loved all of the series and I just loved everything about the last one.
This game has so much going for it, the emotions, drama, action, the adventure, I:cry: a little at the end of the game too.
I have never im my 15 years of gaming played something more satisfying. It does deserve a 10 or better to me.
Now I cannot go back to playing games the same as I used to anymore, MGS4 just set the standard so high it's going to be hard for me to enjoy other games.
GTA4 was pretty good but to me it didn't deserve the ten at all. I though Bioshock was amazing, and Mass Effect and Gears of War, all those good games, but MGS4 has become the best game ever for me.
To those who say the graphics are dull and plastic, please get your eyes checked because this game is beautiful, the landscapes look so amazing, and the super smooth change from the cutscene to the game. The cutscenes were amazing.
The Sounds and soundtrack is a masterpiece, it just puts you into the game like no other game before, the soundtrack is just so amazing.
Please find a way to play this game, everyone needs to play this.:!
Let me guess: you're going to list about five 360 games that came out since 2007 to prove you've been playing games for at least 6 months, thus making you superior. :lol:
I've seen it all and MGS kicks them all in the ass. It's up there for best ever with Half Life, Diablo, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of Time, GTA: Vice City, Baldur's Gate, etc. Don't take it from me, play it.
i have i found the gameplay boring and slow and the cutscenes impossibley long, ive only been playing since the N64 days and i can name 50 games better than MGS4*awaits the list of 50 games.
even if the story is a disaster this game will destroy anything else gameplay wise. if you want a good story go read a book or watch a good movie. please dont say mgs4, please for the love of jesusmephisto_11
Great stories in games make games more memorible when mixed with good gameplay.
[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="SSJ5_Goku-San"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="SSJ5_Goku-San"]If MGS4 is the best game ever made......Then why did Halo 3 win GOTY?SSJ5_Goku-San
Gee lets see.. Thats because it didn't win GOTY? MGS4 wasn't even released in 2007.. And Halo 3 lost to not only to Crysis for Shooter of the year but to Mario Galaxy as well.. You should try better when it comes to trolling.
I kinda stopped reading you're post at the bolded words right there.Face it dude.MGS4 is overrated.
Personally I don't care about MGS4 I don't even own a PS3.. I just hate when people make stupid comments.. Really it just comes from my pity towards you, so you can learn not to make such stupid statements again.
Wait dude do you think i'm talking about Gamespot's GOTY?I'm talking about G-Phoria's GOTY.
People still watch X-Play? When did that show have any credibility?
Mixing 2007 and 2008 games for a GOTY show.....BRILLIANT!:roll:
The only person that could truely claim "it's the best game ever made" or "no, it's not the best game ever made".....would have to have played "every game ever made".
It's definetly my favorite, with MGS3 very close behind.
Really hard for me to decide between 5th and 6th.
I went ahead and chose 6th, by a hairline margin.
Posted yesterday.....still good news.
I'd be lying if I didn't say MGS4.
Gameplay, story, graphics, music......Loved every minute of it.
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