DEVILTAZ35's comments

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@CBN16 You can break the believability in GTA5 if you try hard enough though. For instance out in the desert if you shoot the cop standing at the door of the building where you start off from the police will hunt you down however drive to a lake, grab a boat and by the time you get halfway across to the island in the distance or about 2 mins play time the cops have forgotten you just murdered someone entirely.

Also if you like create total chaos killing everyone then jump on a train and even from there no matter how many choppers you shoot down with a rocket launcher or scoped rifle etc. They will have given up by the time the train gets to city if you just stay hidden in the train carraige.

i thought some of this would have been patched by now but it is a bit silly how easy this game is.

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@TerraMantis A realistic feeling with no believability in physics. Chicago must be a strange place to live if nothing has a sense of weight :)

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@amar1234 It's being patched it was just designed incorrectly for PC platform . Considering it will run at 60 fps and looks alot better it is still the best version by far. If you can consider any version actually worth playing that is.

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@kenundrum7 @kalarro You can have a map but they meant it doesn't have to show all objectives until you discover them. This is what open world is about discovery and watchdogs just hands it all to you like you are a dumb ass 5 year old.

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@kalarro it's a much smarter idea as you have a sense of progression there. Watchdogs would have worked better if it had RPG elements where you could build up abilities of your character and have the ability to go odd the radar if you prefer and play from a different perspective.

It has some cool ideas like using cameras to plan what to do on certain missions but it just doesn't go far enough in scope to make the game worth playing.

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@Pewbert I would rate it a 6 at the moment it's pretty bland and uninteresting. There are far better open world games out there . Even Saints Row 4 is a better game.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@jonny_dutch Well unless it is like Skyrim where you are getting to develop your character to take on more and more challenges etc. This game just needed something extra whether it was just more detailed hacking or just a better story to piece it all together. Something is missing even beyond terrible physics and boring car driving.

This sort of reminds me of Splinter Cell Conviction , it was meant to revolutionise gaming yet what we ended up with was pretty dumbed down compared to the original game shown at E3.

This looks to be a very similar story. For whatever reason they decided to play it safe and make the game rather generic.

Even something as simple as being able to shoot while driving may have added something to make it more fun to play.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@Gwarpup @ariabed There were so many cool things they could have done but they played it way too safe and generic. If they went crazy with the hacking it would have been awesome. Like being able to take over drones like the latest 24 series even if it was just used for non lethal purposes it could have added a layer to the experience.

The main character needed to be far more interesting too as his story is so boring you just don't care what happens to him. Not a good start.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@chibistevo32 True but it is the physics engine that makes or breaks these openworld games and GTAV is pretty cool in this respect where as Watchdogs is a trainwreck.

if it is boring to drive a car in an open world game then you tend not to do it where as GTA games have mostly always been fun to just hoon around in and some had very good vehicle physics as well with a true sense of weight depending on the vehicle.

There is none of this in Watchdogs , the other cars may as well be bowling pins.

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Edited By DEVILTAZ35

@faulknjp You still need to feel there is a point to playing a particular game. This game was touted as a next gen open world game etc where as really it is just a dumbed down rinse repeat affair is all.

It isn't even as open ended as Farcry 3 and that is linear in alot of respects.

I don't really agree with him on Red Dead as i found the game boring for the most part but i totally agree that GTA games are designed to slowly drag you further and further into the world plus you can just go off and do your own thing and still discover amazing things as you go without being led by the hand.

I saw in this video he was just disappointed after all the hype that again we are left with a rather vapid shortlived experience rather than the epic open world title this was touted to be.