i've never even heard of Ben and Jerry icecream is this american only? I am certainly not travelling thousands of km's to trade in games when i don't eat icecream anyhow.
@TheExxorcist It's not that nobody likes it . It is just that compared to Diablo 2 it is quite poor. Plus this topic was about old school mechanics and Diablo 3 is more an Arpg than an RPG. It can be fun in short bursts but it doesn't require as much strategy to win battles as something like Divinity Original Sin where you can plan out all facets of combat being turn based.
They play so differently you can't really compare the two but if you can try Divinity as the story and characters are a breath of fresh air after Diablo 3.
@surrealme @deviltaz35 When i last used it they weren't optional it had Skype, twitter and other crap and intrusive advertising all over the dashboard even if you happened to have the games already on your gamerscore. It was some time ago i have been using PC pretty much exclusively for years now.
I just prefer to have total control over my gaming environment and have the dashboard short cuts i want with zero adverts.
@Wrathesoul it is surprising apps aren't optional . They should just have a list of apps if you wish to install them not force people to take things they don't want.
This is what stopped me using the 360 because of the awful desktop with forced advertising and apps all over the place.
@hystavito @SaintsRowLA I only use one , ABC Iview on PS3 and that is only because i don't have good enough tv reception to record two channels at once . The quality of IView is very poor though compared to viewing it on PC but it is better than nothing.
@nomisrevilo i just use my nokia phone for navigation in the car, never have to look at it, it's never steered me wrong , works in offline mode so it doesn't cost anything to use it and the voice is not distracting as it is in a compartment in the dash with a flip down door so it is low in volume.
Built in navigation is a waste of time and money in car when you can have the same thing pocket sized that you take with you.
All the visual cues are fine such as heads up navigation but it is still a distraction compared to just listening to advice. Unless you are that dumb you need a visual cue for everything but then it might be best not to drive at all.
@DuaneDog You can't really change the specs of newer consoles though otherwise the games would run poorer on older consoles. You can add features but the basic hardware has to stay the same through the life of the console. otherwise they may as well forget them and build pc's.
the only exception you are likely to see are input connection alterations which doesn't affect the output of the graphics other than display type.
DEVILTAZ35's comments