@Albaficas What is wrong with FC4 it's a really fun game. Love the eagles and while riding a quadbike i got attacked by 3 wild animals, had to jump off quickly and take them out as they jumped on my back while i was driving slow up a hill lol.
@nvr2fst I don't have 4k but can vouch for no jaggies even at 1440p on max settings. It is quite a beautiful game with amazing lighting hey? Either the ps4 version really is terrible by comparison or it has just become trendy to bagout all ubisoft games where in truth apart from Unity they have all been pretty stable from the outset. Anyway i want to commend Ubisoft for offering The Crew in the free game deal. Amazing game for no cost.
@kozzy1234 if you are an Xbox fanboy and can't get passed it i guess. In truth the games are not even remotely similar other than being open world and involving cars.
Personally can't stand the arcade forza games and much prefer The Crew on PC at least. The world is massive and detailed and doesn't just involve driving through fields on end like FH2. They tried to build a decent RPG where you are in a car and for the most part succeeded. This is not meant to be anything like FH2 so if that is what you prefer of course you wouldn't like this sort of game. However if you are willing to put the time and effort into upgrading your car , there is a massive world to explore that is actually fun.
@rickphoenixxx Alot of people that actually bothered playing this game properly enjoyed it and says it has much more to offer than FH2 etc which is rather limited in objectives. This game is more a car RPG . I saw that on an online review and it is a pretty accurate summing up. i can only base it on the PC version but surely PS4 version can't be that bad?
This game is alot of fun on the PC. Got it with the free Ubisoft game deal and there is nothing wrong with it. I chose the 5 litre mustang and it's fun fishtailing around every corner.
It looks beautiful too running maxed out at 1440p 60fps. Very nice lighting. Love the cast the headlights make at night. Maybe i would feel differently if i paid for it but as a free game it is tons of fun.
@jtb_pred @deviltaz35 @scarred_fox I liked the original Gears didn't think much of it after that . I just thought they went the wrong way as far as gameplay and settings etc.
With the Original Gears it felt like there was a purpose to playing it where as the next two felt like they were just dragging stories out to shove the same characters in our faces. It just didn't flow well like the first game. Plus that killer rain storm and all the darkness was just awesome :)
I liked Halo up to 4 . The only thing i liked about 4 was Spartan Ops. I don't really play MP so a Beta wouldn't interest me really.
@scarred_fox Did anyone think it was coming to PC.? it is just a strange thing to mention as it was only announced for XboxOne. Still on the fence that it is enough to buy a console just to play it though.
@Darkhol0w @deviltaz35 Hey, thanks for getting back to me. That is pretty meaty. I am replaying Balder's Gate series at the moment so probably won't get this for a while yet :).
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