@Aaronp2k @deviltaz35 @kozzy1234 It must really be bad on PS4 as on PC it's actually quite fun . Not a fan of Forza anyway they are always totally overrated. However at least turn 10 appreciated 60 fps is needed so it was baffling FH2 gets released at a locked 30 fps.
@kdogpa In saying that though , this is still one of the best companies when it comes to customer support and high quality products so they will still deliver the best possible experience they can on the consoles as well.
@kdogpa PC on high settings is not exactly fantastic though . That would mean it would look roughly similar to Witcher 2 which is good but years old now. The PC will be massively improved over the console versions so i woudn't get my hopes up that it will look anywhere near as good on the new consoles. Just not possible with massive advancements in graphics tech that would bog the consoles down too much to implement.
It is likely you will see annoying graphical popup like Skyrim on the console versions as well
@SaintsRowLA The games are in no way similar , it just depends what you are looking for in a game. This is a complete open world game with tons of fun objectives. At least it is on PC.
DEVILTAZ35's comments