@ender_val @00black "And is it what you like in GTA? Because to me it's really bad part of the franchise. Why should we encourage Rockstar to keep the misogyny in the game, when it's annoying and a mood kill? Games are supposed to be fun, not "offensive-to-be-fun-cause-ah-you-know-it-is-satire"."
30 million sold Valerie.... People LOVE the franchise, satire and all. "Mood kill" I don't get this Valerie, If it killed your mood than why have you kept playing the series? I think you haven't played any of the games till now, otherwise your a hypocrite, which is it Valerie?
Also putting "offensive-to-be-fun-cause-ah-you-know-it-is-satire" in quotes is wrong, nowhere did 00black make that comment so why did you quote it? Why are you putting words in peoples mouths still?
Reading through your comments, you seem very aggressive and angry towards anyone who doesn't share your sentiments, to the point you lie and make things up. Why is this Valerie? Why can't you let the others (the majority) have there opinion?
@ender_val @Cherubas "I understand the arguments you're trying to use, but I don't understand why you need to be so aggressive about it, or your need to demean the reviewer. Did you feel attacked by this review?"
Nowhere in Cherubas post was he/she aggressive or demeaning. You just feel that you need to put some red herring nonsense in there to cover up your weak argument. You're pathetic and a troll, get a life.
diggyphelps' comments