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Sonic 360

So the majority of the reviews for the new Sonic The Hedgehog game seem to indicate that it sucks and blows.
I downloaded the demo last night to see for myself.
Perhaps I shouldn't judge a game on a single level demo, but it felt great to me. Miles better then Sonic Heroes, which was the last new Sonic I've played.

I'll try to pick it up if i can and see for myself, but it doesn't really seem that bad. My only qualm with it is the occasional camera angle problem, but very few 3rd person games HAVE perfect cameras so I wouldn't single out Sonic on it as being ESPECIALLY bad. 

In other news, since the Wii's release in America I've been hearing more from fellow gamers who've actually got it.
I tend to trust other gamerfolk more then reviewers.
Anyway. It sounds.. Well. Kick ass.

Dunno if I'll get one any time soon but I'd love one.
It'd be worth it for the new Zelda alone in my oppinion.
But I've heard good things about say, Wii sports which comes free with it, the new Rayman game, Trauma Center and eventually, the new smash brothers.

The List

Superman Returns.
Viva Piniata.
Tony Hawk: Project 8.
Dead Rising.
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 07.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Gears of War
Call of Duty 3
Sonic The Hedgehog

Games in green I successfully aquired.

So the years practically done with and I got 7 out of 10 games.
Slightly off the mark, but as I got a Wii unexpectedly also, I'm in no position to complain.

Good haul!

Went out yesterday and bought stuff.
Canis Canem Edit aka Bully, which I'll review later - but will say now it's pretty damned good.
Family Guy game for Xbox, which while not as good is decent enough considering I got it really cheap.

I also picked up Cars on DVD.
I haven't seen it yet, but I heard that it's pretty good.
So I picked it up.

I also bought the 5th season of Family Guy on DVD.
I hadn't even heard it was being released, so I was suprised when I saw it just sitting there on the store shelf.

So yeah. This'll keep me busy for a bit. :)

Just an observation...

The majority of free browser based mmo's suck.
I guess you get what you paid for, but still.
This wouldn't be so bad if the vast majority of them weren't Gangster or 'Gangsta' themed. It's annoying.
What's worse is that they're pretty much all exactly the same.
Right down to the layout.

How can people live with that crap!?

As far as good, free mmo's go.
Popomundo is still awesome.
And though I haven't played in quite some time, Achaea is also pretty neat, if not a tad over my head.

Saints Row and Mortal Kombat

The other day I got Saints Row.
What can I say? It's pretty fun.
The only thing I'd add is maybe the hunger/workout system GTA:SA has got going on, but this game makes up for it with a great create-a-player option, fairly wide amount of customizability from clothes to cars and multiplayer, which I have yet to explore - but aside from lag, is good apparently.

Also, I've heard from people Mortal Kombat came out on the 21st here. They didnt have it in yesterday when I checked but will certainly check tommorow, otherwise my parents are going to the city on Monday so maybe will get it then.

Gamespot Australia

Just a quick kudos to Gamespot for upping it's Australian based content and a GO TO FREAKING HELL to the small mass of people who refuse to acknowledge that theres a world outside their own country.

Must anwser the kall to kombat.

Yes. I want my Mortal Kombat fix.
Armageddon's already available in the US and sources told me it'd be availble on the 17th here. Which was yesterday.
Looking around turned up nothing and calling a supplier in Adelaide I found out it wouldn't be available til the 27th.
Which peeves me off to a great degree.
To many good games coming out in this period of time and not enough money.
They should space out game releases some. *nods*

But buisness is buisness I s'pose.

I also here Bully is mean't to be out on the same date, which ticks me off.
I just found out the local Blockbuster has Dead Rising, Saints Row and a host of other games I haven't seen otherwise around these parts.. FOR RENT.
Be damned if they actually stocked some for purchase.
They've had pretty much the same games on shelf since release.


Yesterday I got my 360 back.
Still trying to get on live but I'm not networkedly savvy.
Must call me big bro over to fix that.
Again, I'm really wanting to download the Smackdown vs Raw demo. It looks and sounds kickass.
It'll be out soon enough anyway though.
Infact theres a lot of games coming out on the next few months that I must get.

Superman Returns.
Still have yet to pick up Dead Rising or Saints Row so gotta do that.
Mortal Kombat Armageddon I want much.
I saw Godfather for the 360 at the shop yesterday so I gotta gets me some of that.
The Sims 2 Pets.
Guitar Hero II (Though I'm going to wait longer for the 360 version, just throwing it out there anyway)

Lotsa good stuff.

Good year for gaming it has been.

Gotta.. Catch'em... ALL!!! Must be.. Pokemon Master.. Argh!!!!!

I discovered Pokemon many, many years ago.
A morning cartoon show by the name of Cheez TV I believe played it one morning, quite unexpectedly.
And I watched. And decided I liked. So I continued to watch.
I then eventually found out there was a game.
And I HAD to have it.
That Christmas I got a brand new (at the time) Gameboy Color and a copy of Pokemon Blue.
My brother got the same except Pokemon Red.
We also got the link cable and that just was the icing on the already sweet cake.

This game lasted longer then any other I had played.
We played for years and years constantly trying to out do one another. Maxing out our Pokemon's levels and trying to catch them all. I never succeeded in this, but I aided my brother in doing so which was quite an achievement all the same I think.

In anycase, one day he went to play Pokemon as we do and it errored.. His game was gone.
This was a kick in the head. A major blow.
We only had recently got Mew at a Pokemon tour of sorts as well. It was bad. He never picked up Pokemon since.
I tried to play, but found it not quite so fun without someone else to battle, trade with and just generally discuss it with.

Our interest in the show died about this time too.
Years later we haven't touched it.
But recently I've had the urge to grab my balls (of the poke variety you freaks) and play again.

I picked up Mystery Dungeon Red and it's awesome.
I'm waiting on Pearl and Diamond to come out.
My brothers also interested in it, so it'll be good.
But cause it's online even if he ain't I won't lose interest due to lack of players. So great.

In the mean time Pokemon Dungeon tis adequet.

I've also had the rather strange urge to watch the show again.
Though I'm aware of missed out on probably hundreds and hundreds of episodes. See if I can pick some up on dvd.

Yes. I am 19 years old. And I'm a Pokemon Fan.

Cheap Buys

I like my local Tandy Electronics store.
Their PC games tend to always be like platinum or otherwise cheap editions of various games so seldom does it cost over $30AUD for a game.

For example, the other day I picked up Vampire:TM: Bloodlines.
I may have noted before then that I had this game but I actually 'borrowed' a friends. Hehe, they can take that back now.

Also bought Sacred Gold, which includes Sacred 'plus' and the underworld expansion for like $20AUD. It's a decent enough game. No Diablo 2 Killer though, but the characters and the world are more interesting in my oppinion.

And I got UFO: Aftermath, which isn't as bad as reviews would lead you to believe, I'm currently stuck though because I can't figure out how the hell I'm supposed to blow up this doflicky. I've tried shooting at it, I've thrown like four or five grenades. NOTHING. It's no X-Com, but it's the best I'm going to get unless I can be screwed trying to figure out dosbox or something and I most certainly can't.

Finally got around to calling Tech Support about my dead 360.
Still under warranty apparently so they're going to repair/replace it free of charge, shippings free to. Gosh I like that. And they said should only take ten days. Should've got onto them ages ago, I could be playing Dead Rising or Saints Row by now, I'M MISSING OUT.

Anycase, tis all I've got to ramble on about for now.