@jenovaschilld: Yes, there are similarities between Bioshock and Ayn Rand's philosophy, but it doesn't seem that people understand it is nothing more than a perversion of Rand's philosophy... I understand the parallels, and the basis of out of control "Individualism", but Rand's philosophy is Ultimately about the refinement of self through a Sharp Mind and Hard Work... Kind of like the qualities it takes to develop a quality Video Game, and reaping the fruits if your labor without an oppressive Government stealing them (like how the Soviet Commies confiscated Rands Fathers Pharmacy)...
As far as superior breeding through Race, I think you're confusing Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger with Rand... On Racism, the two were opposites... In her own Words: http://aynrandlexicon.com/lexicon/
Having said all that, I'm thoroughly enjoying my 1st play through of Bioshock 1...
Dinosaur_Teeth's comments