It sounds like you are having difficulty uniting mathematical concepts to real life applications. That is defiantely something you should try to improve as it would help your understanding of math, and allow you to use math in the real world.They need to fix this system badly. IT would be better to have high schoolers so advanced in basic math rather than memorizing useless information about Calculus. In other words, I'd rather prefer someone who gets an 800 on an SAT Math Subject Test than someone who gets an A+ in their Calculus class.
Logic is better than knowledge, but the Logic should be about stuff we do everyday rather than complex functions. Most of this stuff we will never use later in life, and if we will, let us learn it in college if that's going to be our major! What do you guys think?
I personally love math, and see it as extremely useful in the real world. If you ever plan to run a business, or do some investments, math is extremely useful to know.
It could also be your teachers fault for not showing you how to connect math principles with real world applications.
There are great problems with your, "we should learn it in college if thats going to be our major!". Math is very advanced now. You could not simply learn all of it in the time that it takes for you to get your major. Not to mention that learning all this basic stuff that we currently learn in highschool is done in a very slow, and easy way, so that a lot of students will have the ability to use math that is needed in the future. It is a constant building in math, you are taught something one year,. the next year, it is reinforced, and you are taught something new, which is reinforced the next year, etc. You build a solid foundations of math. You need to have a good foundations of math going into college.
What do you think they should stop at in highschool? Just remove calculus all together? Or go even further to removing trigonometry? quadratics? Or even simple linear systems?
I also read that you feel that most people learn the math, then forget it the next day. I don't know about you, but I remember a ton of stuff from math. Theres not that much to really "remember" other then maybe some weird equations (cosine law, quadratic equation, midpoint of line). There is really no memorization in math. Math is concrete, and logical, and derived. There is no mass amount of memorization like there is in biology or history (Oh god! so boring! Who needs history in real life? NO ONE! I can see your complains for history, but history isn't a requirement in highschool, which is why no one takes it, its pointless.).
Of course, I love math, and I really enjoy doing it, I plan on being an engineer. I see all of this math as extremely useful, to everyone in the real world.
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