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dj729 Blog

Im gonna change my sig

hey, i was just thinking maybe i should drop a lot of stuff in my sig like the userbars and what not. i think it's really crowded. It's also a lot of work when they change all the time. i think it would just be easier if i had just the "friend's request" and "looking for a union...". this is also related to another problem i am having. i am officers in a lot of unions and i don't have room for all of them in my sig. i might have to drop a few i don't go to, but that problem will be brought up in a later blog. But regarding my sig situatuion, i probably gonna make a change. But i would like to know what you guy's think.

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Hey hey Hey 2

Hey, i just made this blog because i haven't done one in a few days. Here's an update of what ive been up to. I have just been watching a lot of Bleach. (ep.37). i also haven't been posting as much as i like because of that. That's all.

P.S. i have also been in a posting game in the ultimate league union, so i have also been busy with dat.

New UserBar

Hey, i just made my first userbar. I know it's not that great but i really like it, and i am very proud of my acheivement. P.S. i used Just like with my banner, it may not be great but i'm glad that i did it and you never know, with practice and experience, one day i might be a great designer.

Check it out.Dj 729 Home Page:D :P :)


After a few people in a The ultimate league union told me about this show Bleach i went ahead and saw the first episode  and i have to say it looks cool. I could definitely become a fan of it.

Hey hey Hey

i don't really have anything to talk about but i still want to post a blog post. So, i will just tell you everything that has been going on. I woke up today, checked the forums for new posts, and then played Halo. I Then watched tv for a while. i recorded that planet earth thing on my dvr and i am trying to watch it but keep losing interest and putting it off. Yesterday i played Spiderman 3 for a while. my brothers friend came, and i let hiom play. He just swung around for hours. when he was done i got to working and got 100% of the gang areas cleaned. i also got the splat master and 500 point photo acheivements. i am probably going to replay the missions with black spidey right now so buh-bye.

Halo 3 live beta

Did anybody else check out the live marathon. I only watched a little bit, but i have to say i was alittle dissappointed by it. It had everything i expected, and that says a lot, but it was basically Halo 2 multiplayer with a few new tricks. What im trying to say is that it looked great like all the other halo's but i didn't see anything to make it fantastic. but that is just my opinion and i would like to know what you think about it.

I got moderated

I friggin got moderrated. i was moderated before but those just closed the board. But today i found out that they took away points because of a joke i made in a post. Those uptight ******* mods seriously need to learn how to take a joke. Obvios ly they did'nt take a lot of points which  makes it ok but i am still PO'd.

This is my first blog post from As you all know i stick to gamespot usually but i recently decided to start using my other Cnet profiles.

helping people

you know today i got on and realized that i hadn't made any new friends lately. then i realized i wasn't socializing enough. i decided that i will lending my spare gamespot  time to helping people find unions in return for their friendship. Sound good huh. i will try to help newbies find unions to join and stuff like that. i might of course be a little biased when it comes to some unions. i think this will not only get my name out their but also help recruiting to the unions i am in.

my own union (2nd Thoughts)

I have been thinking since i posted that i might make a union and i think i might wait a while before i make a union. I just don't feel it is right at the moment. i appreciate all the feedback i recieved in my last post. i thought about what you said, mainly, ghost and i think i will wait an indefinite amount of time before i make the commitment of making a union. and also i want it to be successful which i don't think it would be right now. Thank you and Good bye