I have no idea what you are talking about considering 2142 came out after bf2 and BC2, which were both huge hits! BF4 is going to be simply amazing. Makes cod look like childs play, which it is considering its marketed towards teenagers parents.
@Skhuff @djpetitte enough to know it takes more than a year to develop a new payload build. Its a copy and paste what don't you people understand about that. You are buying the same software every year.
people just don't know any better and believe that if its the latest its the greatest. which usually isn't true.
Not to mention all the mommies and daddies that know the cod name because its the Coke of video games. they buy it every year for their kids, because that's whats cool.
meanwhile it only takes a couple weeks to "build" another call of duty. more like copy and paste. The guys at Dice are actually smart software developers. The two main guys who made Cod what it is today haven't worked on a cod game since mw2. People seem to forget they work for EA now. When they left cod died in my opinion. Last truly great one was mw.
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