By the way, its the same engine but and updated version. Have you ever heard of software updates?
Do you even know how many expansions bf3 had? it was a lot and introduced a lot of things that will be optimized in bf4. I cant believe how dumb you people are. you act like you know better than dice what to do with the bf series even though they have been specializing in online warfare games since 2002. The only thing you are right about is BF being better than cod otherwise you should study up on your bf before you post such idiot comments.
You're definitely wrong, and obviously not very smart. Bf3 came out two years ago, maybe more. This has an updated frostbite engine and a lot of changes for the better. Like playing commander from a tablet or player driven skyscrapers falling. it's people like you who make gamers look bad. Do you even know how many expansions packs were released for bf3?? A lot. This is so far from an expansion pack your comment makes you look like an idiot. How about you get a fucking clue.
yeah, I've been gaming since the early 80s and I can definitely see they took what worked from bf3 and improved upon it like Dice has always done with their games. the frostbite is updated and you can definitely see it.
not to mention they have incorporated the HD destruction from close quarters into the larger environments. If anything this is what bf3 should have been
djpetitte's comments