You're just so blind and I can definitely tell you aren't tech savvy. Have fun paying for tv on top of tv and internet on top of internet. You could hook a pc up to you tv you realize. You don't need a gaming console to watch tv.. all you have is the kinect and that's a good thing because you don't have the option if you want it or not. God forbid you go without internet for some reason have fun using your so called gaming console.
the interior details have definitely been bumped up along with the destruction. to me it looks like what bf3 should have been. Somewhat what windows vista was to windows 7
@the22for4 pcs aren't that much, because after you start talking fees for live or plus every month and small to large fees plus subscriptions. the pc I built three years probably cost less than a console would have over the past three years. I don't have to pay for live on top of my ISP and steam has amazing sales.
djpetitte's comments