My sis has gotten 2 sony ericsons and both have broke on her.
Yeah, AT&T usually brings the lower end phones to the US (assuming that's where you live). I used to have the W580i; I loved the software/UI, but it broke on me after a year. :( The C905 looks really promising though with it's wifi and conversation mode.
I'm stuck between the Samsung Impression and the Sony Ericsson C905a. On one hand, the Samsung has a large OLED screen, a touch screen, and a full qwerty keyboard. On the other the Sony has a 8.1 MP camera with xenon flash, Wi-Fi, and conversation mode for texting. I'm stuck :(
Not a fan of eBay, it relies too much on trust. What's stopping this king of thing from happening all the time?F1_2004
I haven't used it in a long time, but I'm pretty sure that the policies that eBay and PayPal have allow them to buy and sell relying on more than trust.
I really think that the dealership should just sell the guy the car. I mean, the bad publicity that this has caused the dealership, and possibly Hyundai as a company, isn't worth the $3,xxx that they would lose by selling the car.
[QUOTE="dk00111"][QUOTE="Rusty_Ripper"]Really why? Because their the majority? Thats no reason to make it aceptable. If you say something against the white race, thats racism. Saying something against Christianity is just like making fun of any other religion.PannicAtack
Racism against any race is unacceptable. Religion, however, can be criticized. Why? Because religion is a belief. Just like you can criticize someone's political views or favorite sports team, you can criticize their religion. It doesn't matter whether it's Islam, Christianity, Atheism, Hinduism, etc; it can be criticized. Religion is also up to choice. You can choose which god(s) you want to worship, and others can criticize your choice, whether you like it or not. That's the basic idea of free speech. Religion =/= Race So is it okay to call Christians terrorists? Or to say that "Muslims have a common goal to repopulate and assimilate in other countries?" Or to say that Wiccans are evil devil worshippers? Or to say that Catholics are phony Christians? Or to equate religious people to people who are bipolar or have mental disorders?
I don't think so. Just because the name doesn't fit with "racism" doesn't mean that it isn't another form of bigotry.
There is a HUGE difference between stereotyping and criticism. Calling Catholics phony Christians or Christians terrorists would be the same as calling Democrats Communists or calling Dallas Cowboy fans mentally challenged. What I am trying to say is that there should be absolutely no problem with someone criticizing any religion on its sexist values. Criticizing Islam for what it teaches, such as the "jihad", isn't the same as calling Muslims terrorists.
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