Really why? Because their the majority? Thats no reason to make it aceptable. If you say something against the white race, thats racism. Saying something against Christianity is just like making fun of any other religion.Rusty_RipperRacism against any race is unacceptable. Religion, however, can be criticized. Why? Because religion is a belief. Just like you can criticize someone's political views or favorite sports team, you can criticize their religion. It doesn't matter whether it's Islam, Christianity, Atheism, Hinduism, etc; it can be criticized. Religion is also up to choice. You can choose which god(s) you want to worship, and others can criticize your choice, whether you like it or not. That's the basic idea of free speech. Religion =/= Race
dk00111's forum posts
Gears of war icon... 3 posts... hmmm People can have both consoles, ya know.[QUOTE="kaspar1313"]
Is MAG worth the $60.00??? :question:
Problem Solved. :)
[QUOTE="GreyFoXX4"]Where can you test your download speed? is messed up on your end my friend. I have 20mbps download and my speed test is showing that. Also my downloads aren't slow at all, so you need to chk something on your end. It may be your router capping that connection or something.
I don't know why you edited your post, it made more sense before you edited it. :P Here's the thing, if the Chinese and Indian cars compete with other "cheap manufacturers" such as Kia, then there won't be much of a problem. But, should the "middle class manufacturers" such as Ford and Honda suffer because of it, then they might lower their quality in order to compete. Also, some projects require lots of money, which end up benefiting the customers. Hybrids, for example, need a good investment in order to succeed, and if companies lose lots of money because of these cheap cars, then technological advancement could also slow down.[QUOTE="dk00111"][QUOTE="coolbeans90"]
That only is an issue because other automobile companies are manufacturing vehicles at a higher price than they are willing to pay for them in comparison. That is a supply issue. In other words the manufacturers are not making the vehicles available for a satisfactory price.
I thought my first post was perhaps slightly inaccurate. Returning to the subject, I don't see many people buying the absolute cheapest car on the market as soon as they become available. I don't see all too many Kias, and I think that the Chinese market would compete much with the Kia crowd. If they want other people to buy their cars, they'll need to establish themselves as quality automobile manufacturers. It's to a large degree why Toyota and other Japanese manufacturers have grown to the extent that they have. (gas mileage also...) It's also why American cars ave been getting a bad rep. (I do admit that I really like Ford though...)
You do raise an interesting point with R&D initially costing a great sum of cash, but paying off in the future. But as long as competition exists between companies, regardless of their nationality, profits will be lost in a price war. The only obvious remedies I see to this dilemma (lack of spare funds...) is a miraculous monopolization of the industry (which in my opinion would not be beneficial to consumers, and probably would completely remove incentive for innovation) or subsidies from a third party (Uncle Sam) to promote innovation. However, I would argue that due to competition, companies are constantly trying to one-up each other by product innovation.
Hmm, that's true. I guess it's up to the consumers to decide =\
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