dlp21 pretty much said it! THAT's how Hardcore gamer like us are BORN! We have to start out somewhere.I started on my beloved NES with the original SMB and moved on to MK, then Tekken, then GTA, Halo and the rest. I still haven't forgotten my roots but damn fark it if I'm gonna believe Nintendo is, as some people here are trying to say, "They ARe TeH Da Gata RuingAdAtA The GamaGadagata!" If the game is fun, then I'm there to play it! Same thing with my cousins and aunt. They have NEVER touched a game machine in their life till the Wii. I started them off on a steady diet of Wii-Sports and Wario ware. Then move them on to Mario Party and SPM. Since they are Table Tennis fanatics (we are all Chinese decent and Chinese LOVES Ping Pong), They are waiting hands and foot on Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis. Next will be Madden football and then SMG and SSBB before MP. That's the road to hardcore gaming! It doesn't start overnight you know and the wii hater here only focus their attention on "The Nintendo-AHHH OnlY Wnats-Ga TeH Casual-GA and Non-GamERNaHaDA!! Oh, NOESSSS! They aRe TeH RuinANANAGA TeH GAMaGHA!!!" ....And completely forget that what Nintendo said was they want everyone, hardcore, casuals AND non-gamers!
I thank you for the acknowledgement and would like to go on and share even some more experiences centered around the Wii. I have now seen personally 6 people transformed into gamers. Are they playing Rainbow Six LV...no, but that isn't where you start someone.
Not only has my Mom and GF turned to gaming but I know many of my friends wives, and girlfriends have too. I personally have seen 4 of my best friends wives and girlfriends playing videogames. Being a huge technology geek altogether I asked them how long have they been playing and time and time again it turns out they just started, whether it was Wii Sports or Guitar Hero everyone is getting into gaming now and it is in fact the responsibilty of companies like Nintendo to not ignore them.
You will still get your games, I promise, in fact over time I believe it will be because of this casual gamerer phenom that the games we do get will be far superior to anything we have seen in the past. How does this work, well if you can make a simple game that is fun, addictive, simple, it generates money. Money is then reinvested into the company to make new games, but companies aren't going to be stagnant and just explore casual, they will drop a lot of it into making great games. Why do you ask?
Well because as more people accept videogames it will gather more merit and it will only be a matter of time until videogames gets its Academy Awards and Grammys. Sure we have videogame awards right now, but I am talking about them being on par with the aformentioned ceromonies. It is this simple ability to garnish a Game of the Year award that will drive the best dev teams to create the best, most artistic, storytelling, gameplaying game ever.
Sure there will be crap...sure there will be greatness that doesn't do well, but if that greatness gets that GOTY award, it won't matter to that publisher and dev team if they made a dime on the game, why, because it leads to credibility which leads to people holding your company in higher regard which in turn leads to later profitable returns.
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