Their marketing has failed them. If you are going to speak, you need to speak on a platform that precisely explains everything. From the features of the Xbone, to the questions people have about it. The confusing started not only when you gave people incomplete answers, but when other people were giving out different answers. I had to go to other inside sources to get a better understanding of the whole situation and that's not cool if it is causing this much chaos. I understand how MS operates when it comes to addressing things, but when they do address them, they should be clear.
@Blitzenaro Well, they can always go back to their old model and charge you full retail price for Street Fighter 4 Turbo Edition like they did with their Street Fighter 2 editions.
@syztem add that with a wireless controller, those precious milliseconds can make or break you. I do enjoy fighting games online, but that's just to have fun
@thequickshooter @the_big_doggg I agree that the kid doesn't deserve jail time especially for an act he didn't commit. IF the police happen to take the report seriously and wanted to check some things out.. fine, I can understand that to an extent, but jail time is too much. but as far as the capitalism statement, it's the corrupt people who have taken advantage of the system and the people who keep electing "leaders" who let this stuff continue instead of electing people who represent the people... which they are suppose to do anyway.
dman123_1's comments