Great article! It certainly makes one ponder about the future of gaming; even now you have games (retail games) that maybe last 3-5 years, then it's lights out on the servers. EA usually does this with their sports titles which I understand why they do it, a lot of online RPG's (Phantasy star online for example), MMO's shut down their servers, and servers such as the original Xbox and Seganet have shut down servers, mostly due to cost. Someone mentioned that they should have it setup so that the consumers themselves provide their own servers to play on. Now although it is a good idea on paper, the constant upkeep of a server may be too much for folks to deal with. It's not to say it won't work however, Phantasy star online SCHTHACK servers are a prime example that it is possible to make a private server off a 10 plus year old game. Now as far as museums to preserve the history of video games, I don't think there will be (in the United States anyway) a large national Museum for video games, but what may happen is they could possibly have an electronic entertainment museum. It won't single out just video games, but all other electronic items as well. Another thing is to have a festival celebrating the history of video games. The publishers and developers can provide some funding of those things to come to fruition
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