@saboys That's is exactly what I've been trying to say for a while. There need to be some kind of contract for them to get some kind of percent. Another option would be to ship it back to the developers. They can offer a better price and release it as a certified used game. This option would probably be a bit more improbable, but possible nonetheless. Used games shouldn't be punished though. I remember years ago buying a used Rainbow Six 3 game for the Xbox. Because of that, I have bought every single Rainbow Six game new (except Lockdown never bought it) that came out on the Xbox and 360. If it wasn't used, I probably would have passed up the game.
As far as MMO's, they can do what they want. Why to play?? It's a practice in the MMO world that has been going on for years, I don't mind it, as long as you get your money's worth. I don't really play those however, so I don't know if people get their money's worth it or not. Although on paper I won't mind unofficial servers, but I can see issues with that, issues I can see them using for them to only have their servers available. Bottom line, it is a business. This is what businesses do, they have done it to countless industries, from movies, to music, to video games. Take a small artform and blow it up to where it is uber popular, but industrialize it. And as much as we want to support indie developers, they are not backed by the money and distribution big companies have. Digital distribution could be their only way to distribute product without having to "beg" the big boys to move their product. I agree with you all, @sauhlgood , meet, etc, but it is what it is and we have our choices. Either support the masses, or support what we really like and want
@meet391 who says they don't need the money?? They have to pay their employees right?? They have to keep the company afloat right? They have to provide all the benefits that not only the people at the top have, but also the people at the bottom have right? They need funding for other projects correct?? There is a want and need for the money, that applies to us as well. We want and need money because we need it for our essentials and we want it for extra things (like video games and cable). I have mentioned before that if it isn't profitable, it won't be heavily supported, I have no problem with that because that's just how things work. Would you trust a person you don't know blindly? would you lend money to someone you aren't sure they would pay you back?? People invest into things expecting a return, so if they invest into a game that is a cash cow, they are expecting a big return. That is why COD is the way it is. I support the things you guys say, but the numbers are the numbers, and unless you can match or show better numbers, they will always go with what they think is profitable.
@doc_folk those things take time to make, just like games that came on cartridges took time to make. Pre-ordering games then was necessary because they only shipped out so much and by the time another batch would come could take weeks. Now we are in a time where if you can't get it here, you can get it online with next day shipping, or even download it. Also with many stores carrying games, you are sure to find one store carrying it; they can mass produce the games at a much quicker rate than they could with cartridges. Pre ordering Iphones and computers are not as simple as putting game data on a disc, there are still possibilities of shortages of those things which pre-ordering can be necessary because those shortages can last weeks. Pre-ordering may be fine if it's a new installment, but for something like assassins creed which has success, all it is to them is just a head count of how much they will make off of pre orders rather than how much they will need to ship out to a particular store
@IanNottinghamX Actually the price of games didn't go up every gen, this is just a recent trend. When CD's came out for the PS1, they were priced at 40-50 dollars, where Nintendo 64 games were priced at $70-80. When everyone switched to CD's, they stayed with the 40-50 dollar price mark.
@Nodashi, so because of the title, you should just disregard what the article is saying? I guess I see why when employers see a name like Shaquisha, they just throw their resume in the trash. They explained in the article why it is off the mark and it makes perfect sense to why, then they offered a solution to the main problem.
I'm not understanding how you guys think that the staff GS are supporting these methods. Are you guys reading the article, or just skimming through it??
@crypt1978, as long as people are willing to kill someone over $400 shoes, people will still buy video games regardless of the price and what they offer. It is seen as one-upmanship, keeping up with the Jones. I don't mind paying for xbox Live as long as it is used to better the experience. I'm over the online play debate, what else are they doing with it? Could it be for better maintenance, one up other companies by having exclusive demos and content? If that is the case, then my money to XBL isn't a big deal. But to something that is obvious as DLC, the best solution is to avoid buying DLC altogether. However, usually when one idea doesn't work, they will come up another genius idea (needing a pass in order to play online, subscription to play online). I understand that companies need to make profit, and I'm in support that companies make as much money as they can, as long as it is ethical, they are not cutting corners then over charging , and it is good quality.
But if someone was to buy a 32 gb memory stick and couldn't afford some games to go with it, wouldn't that make them want to look at alternative options (ie pirate them)?
@zenstrata we would all be fools if you think they shouldn't make a profit for the games they make. Do you work at your job because you want to support the owner, or do you work at your job because you want the paycheck? And if they didn't pay you, would you continue to work there? Same instance here, if something doesn't work, that is a huge expense. things are not getting cheaper, and you can see that everywhere not just in video games. Now I can agree that the quality may have been sacrificed because of it, but that is just more the reason to support quality games by: buying the game, buy them new, and be involved with suggestions to help them make the game better; most publishers and developers have a forum to do so.
dman123_1's comments