if they really want to be social, bring back that 16 person chat room you could make like the xbox1. It was too much of a waste to post updates and such on twitter and facebook. Plus, it didn't add any cool points that you were posting via xbox. Most people I have as my friends on those sites aren't gamers. I'd rather have my updates about games, be updated to gamers.
PEOPLE, stop thinking that social gaming is a phase, if that was the case, online console gaming wouldn't be as popular. This IS the future, I even think more things will be more social IE: televisions and shows integrated with social networking. That is not the say that a single player experience will die out. I doubt they will remove the single player option, but they will most likely not make single player only games.
Oh.. and people, we need to get over the fact that it is solely a gaming console. Even the original Nintendo said 'Entertainment system". Yeah yeah, most people game on it, but that doesn't mean they can't add additional features to it. If that were the case, you guys would have fought harder keeping the Dreamcast around because of its lack of a DVD player
MS didn't show a lot of exclusives, however, I think getting this far is something to be proud of. Being the youngest out of the big 3, it was a complete uphill battle for MS. titles that were exclusive to NIN and Sony are now being showcased on the 360. Now they are a fierce competitor with the others, so that is no small feat. With that said, their lack of new IP's is starting to run thin with some hardcore fans. However, I think they are in a great position for the next few years. I know people aren't high on smartglass, but, I see great things coming from it. Imagine them utilizing that tech even further to the point where you can play mobile versions of whatever game. And with mobile tech rivaling current gen consoles, it can be very possible. a Halo mobile, Forza mobile, whatever the possibilities. as far as new/reborn IP's, I believe 2013 will be a blockbuster year for Microsoft, I see them going no holds barred with what they can bring out.
dman123_1's comments