@SiLenTWarrior29 That isn't Disneyland, that's being direct. People have a weird sense of being real. You can be direct with what you are saying without being blunt about it. If I said I didn't like something and stated my reasons for not liking it, how is that any less effective than saying *insert name* can kiss my effing ass and lick the ish that comes out of it?
@Centurion-Legio But rental services weren't like they were. in the 90's, you didn't have unlimited game rentals, you had to take it back at some point. But now, you can beat a game and everything without even buying it. Plus, the market was much smaller then.
I'm kinda surprised that he didn't see the part that devs and pubs do get a cut as well as MS if all of this is true. Gamestop will take a lil less, MS would get a cut because of the service and the devs and pubs will get a cut because well, it is theirs to begin with
But with 2 I have to say this, the industry was nothing like it is now. with investors and such involved, it is not only the financial interest of yourself, but of others as well. MS is not losing money over used games, however, small devs and pubs could be. I have said this before, most other industries don't bother with used sales is because they have other streams of revenue that generate more money for them than getting a piece of the used sales. But if that was an issue for them, they would do what they could to get a piece as well.
The thing with the whole issue is, they are having the wrong approach. prices can be driven down. Look at Steam, hell, even Amazon have deals on hard copies and downloads from time to time. But the approach should be to try to embrace digital more and not even try to add all of this DRM stuff. This just looks like they are repeating the same history PC gaming has gone through.
@Celtic_34 @dman123_1 I'm talking about technology advancements in video games. Your grandfather lived in a different time, he mostly likely wouldn't need it if all he did was work in his garden, what good would it do him? But that doesn't mean it wouldn't be good for anyone else. I don't need a fax machine (which is old technology) but plenty of people need that function. Should I whine at HP or Canon because the printer I wanted put in features I don't need? This also has nothing to do with being healthy or unhealthy, that is all on how people treat themselves. If a person is fit, those Kinect fitness games could be great for them, but most unhealthy people that are happy being that way wouldn't use it regardless. This just takes it back to what I am saying, they add all of these features to reach a wider audience. You may think it is a bad idea, but I have conversed with quite a few people about the Xone that actually like these features and would use them.
About small businesses, I agree. I like supporting supporting them when I can, like going to the mom and pop restaurants and such, at the same time, department stores like wal-mart attract an appeal that you can grocery shop, buy a tv, a movie, and get stuff for the car without having to go from place to place. At the end of the day that's what technology really is, to make things more convenient.
I understand, you want video games to be the priority and you want the traditional freedoms we had with them. I can't wager how much video games are to MS, that is something we all can find out in the coming months, but as far as traditional freedoms, we are at a time where things will eventually all go digital, consoles are basically going through the same phase PC's went though years ago, and it will mostly likely end in a similar manner.
@Celtic_34 BUT, what makes them any different than any other company that wants to be the "One" thing everyone wants to use?? Sony has a commercial about that, Apple has shown that in their products, Samsung is doing it with their Galaxy lineup, Wal-mart, Target, Mcdonalds, Wendy's, Amazon, Google, etc etc. None of these companies target one thing or function with their flagship products. If they didn't someone else would do it and either get killed trying to compete, or join. I've said this a million times, the intent was never to make just a gaming console, even Nintendo was making different media peripherals for the NES (some never reached the US however). I honestly think people just hate MS for no reason when their are companies who are doing much worse. These things are small problems compared to what is going on the US, or the world for that matter. And I will say this again, these things will be an industry move. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony jumped on board with this.
The best solution is to offer incentives with digital and try to push that. You will maximize sales, thus could drive the price down and games and they can be much more flexible with the pricing when it comes to deals. paying a digital copy of a game that may only be a month and a half old for 35 dollars will benefit the pubs and devs way more than going to Gamestop and buying it used at any price.
If the video game industry stayed small, would you think consoles could last as long as it did, or have the advancements these consoles have made so far?
dman123_1's comments