@Meta-Gnostic @stanknuggetz12 I'm sure I played some version of Battlefield 3 for a while, what version they putting out that is new? ANd that's a new Oddworld game, the title sure does look like the one that was on the original Xbox...
@WilliamRLBaker @Clemsonalum07 @Danny_KickAzz @dman123_1 @gatsbythepig @TheOmegaForce70 to be honest, I rarely notice the ads. I notice it more when it is mentioned here, other than that I guess I have tunnel vision when it comes to what I want to do. However, I will agree that even having ads is kinda ridiculous. It's cool and all that MS have support from these folks, but unless they are holding contests or some kind of promotion, the ads aren't really needed.
@JOHNDOE69696969 @valknight @santinegrete and that's all that matters, what you prefer. If you don't lik it, fine, but I know plenty of folks who would like what the X1 offers, especially since they have rolled back on some stuff.
@noandno @sammoth @FULGOREY2K HAHAHAHA, that's funny, you must not be familiar with Sony other products. But even it's playstation division have rubbed people the wrong way too
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