Well, I don't think that the PS3 tried to pass it off as a new release for everyone to get excited about. Also, the PS3 doesn't try to label itself as a next gen platform. If the Wii U really is the next generation, it is sad that it is breaking news for it to be getting 2 year old games.
Well, when the PS4 and nextbox come out, I can almost guarentee they will have a much better lineup of new products. Not releasing last generations Wii games.
In what weird world do you live that you think that Nintendo doesn't view itself in DIRECT competition with Sony and MS? I don't even know what posting losses has to do with it. The fact that it is exciting news that a "next gen" system gets old games shows how bad things are for the Wii U right now.
How can someone seriously say that the Wii U is a next gen platform when it is breaking news that they are getting a game that came out on other consoles a couple years ago?
The guy definately has an important place in gaming history, but this is just a stupid thing to say. I have to think that the article is written and some creative license is used in the reporting of this story somehow. It's all about those page hits!
Shadows of the Damned was a great game. I am surprised that more people didn't play it. Definately a top contender for "Best Game You Didn't Play"....if Gamespot didn't get rid of that award.
I can't say whether games influenced the guy or not. In the past, people have been influenced to do bad things from books and movies. I guess it all comes down to the individual. It's plausable to think that games couild influence someone, but I think the person has to have other issues before they let games drive their actions. Games are just an easy scapegoat when you don't want to really look at what caused the problem in the first place.
Even though it's the popular thing to hate on EA, one can't ignore just how many people play EA sports games. I don't really see how this one guy is so powerful considering that EA is a publicly traded company.
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