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#1 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
Impressive...although I would have expected more from one of the most hyped pc exclusives in recent years! Just goes to show you how few pc exclusives nowadays break a million (although of course a million is not necessary for a game to be deemed where near)
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#2 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
The more interesting thing here is that consoles actually outsold the pc for Left for dead?? That definitely surprised me.
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#3 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

[QUOTE="dom2000"] Nice post I agree. To say a pirate would never buy any of the games they download is stupid in my opinion..lundy86_4

To say they would is also stupid... Unfortunately we lack any and all information regarding the piraters. It's impossible to dictate a price point where they would be willing to turn from an supposed illegal gamer into a legitimate customer.

True, as with most things the answer usually lies in the middle and would depend on how many games the pirates downloads. Well the question we would need to answer is why do people pirate? If the answer simply is, which I would guess many pirates would say, "Why pay when I can get it for free?" then no matter what the price point is, unless its very low, the pirate will continue to pirate. The way to tackle piracy is to give the games benefits that if one pirates they simply cannot get, which is what steam is trying to do.
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#4 dom2000
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No. Companies over-reaction to piracy that has always been there is harming PC gaming the most. Intrusive DRM, canceling the PC ports, half-assing the PC port. All of those do more damage than good.

Let's say a game gets released on the PC and it sells 500,000 and gets pirated 1 million times. You still sold 500,000. What happens if you never released the PC version because of your fears of piracy? You just lost 500k sales. How about instead you put some massively intrusive DRM on. Now you only sold 150k and it was pirated 1.3 million times instead. Again, you've only hurt yourself.


Lets not forget that 500,000 pirate copies is a empty figure.. Because it no where suggests that the people would put money forward to buy the game.. Or that they did it for a demo run before they actually bought the game or other such things.. Its a empty figure that you really can't make any real accurate estimates what so ever about supposed lost profits..

We may not have hard data but you can't honestly say that a significant number of pirates aren't just doing it because they can get it for free, and would otherwise have purchased the game.

The like 5+ million people who have pirated Crysis, I'm guessing a significant number of them had a rig capable of playing the game. If you have a PC capable of playing Crysis, you have the $10-$20 it takes to pick up the game on a sale.

I don't think Piracy is dooming the game industry, but it's just as stupid is to think that it has no effect at all and should be ignored.

Nice post I agree. To say a pirate would never buy any of the games they download is stupid in my opinion..
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#5 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts


You cant listen to most pc gamers. They refuse to understand that piracy is 100% easier on pc and it is what is driving developers into bankruptcy and leaving for consoles.


Guess what? It's incredible easy to mod your Wii and never have to pay for a single game! It really is simple! I know people here on System Wars who do that :o

Come on you cant possibly argue its just as easy to pirate on consoles as it is on pc...thats ridiculous......pc all you have to do is download the game thats it....console you actually have to go out of your way to mod it and buy dvds and what not. The fact that pc piracy rates are over 10x (at least) what consoles are reflects this....
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#6 dom2000
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[QUOTE="wis3boi"] there's a reason behind it. Science says when it is unsure of something, and then goes ahead and tests it over a long period of time. The religious side of things says "Believe as I say, never question it."tenaka2

Oh really? Then let me say some things that science said as "Believe as I say, never question it."

1 ) Where did everything came from?
2 ) Why is there something instead of nothing?
3 ) Why did the Big Bang happen?
4 ) How long ago did the Big Bang happen?
5 ) If we went back in a time machine and watched the Big Bang, what would it look like?
6 ) If everything is expanding, what is it expanding into?
7 ) Is there more than one universe?
8 ) Is time travel possible?
9 ) What is reality?
10 ) Where was I before I was born?
11 ) What was before the Big Bang?

Keep an open mind, the answers you find yourself in books are 'what we think we know right now'. But that doesn't mean there isn't a better explanation.

Are you suggesting that the answers to all these questions (all of which by the way have been raised by scientists) have been answered by a book writen by sheep hearders 2000 years ago?

The more posts of yours I read the more I find it very unlikely that you where ever a catholic! Sheep hearders? Lol really? I suggest you go read the letters written by St Paul and then honesty tell me he has the language of a simple sheep hearder? He is very a clearly an very well educated man. And no the bible does not answer those questions directly, it just tells us, amongst other things, the world and universe was made by God. Science gives us an understanding of HOW God made the world and universe!

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#7 dom2000
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Science and religion cant co-exist? Its funny the more we know about the science the more a divine creator (God) seems more likely! Certainly more likely than the one in a absolutely ridiculous number that you would have to accept if the universe was made completely due to chance!
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#8 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts
[QUOTE="DJ-PRIME90"]I am strongly against gays. I can stand to be around them but I will not tolerate them showing PDA's or talking about their relationship. It is definitely the way I was raised and it will most definitely be the way I raise my children. A gay person will tell you they were born like thay, but every gay person I've met... If you take a deep look into the way they were raised and how their parents treated them you can see it was all in the way they were raised.

I would agree with this! Every gay i know (about 5) all basically exclusively hang around with girls, and have done from an early age! It does not surprise one bit that they ended up gay
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#9 dom2000
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[QUOTE="GazaAli"][QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]I find the idea of an afterlife to be very selfish. Our mortality is supposed to teach us to live our lives to their fullest and appreciate what time we have. Having a "place to go" after we die devalues our lives led here on Earth.tenaka2

Well, knowing that almost all religions demand from their followers to live according to the most strict moral codes and achieve the most on earth in order to get to the place to go, I don't see your point at all.

Most religions ask people to put aside their natural urges and beliefs in order to get to heavan, so id have to say i disagree with you.

Most religions state that you have to lead a rather depressing life in order to gain entry to paradice. Bit unfair in my opinion.

This is a ridiculous does being a catholic mean you have to lead a rather depressing life? I do not understand this at all? So you need material things to be happy? Loving your neighbour as yourself doesnt give you any feelings of happiness?
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#10 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

A lot of my friends didn't keep their prorities straight so no.

I have a friend who finally figure out she was gay after having four kids, I mean WTF it took you that long..

lol and being gay is not a choice.....