CSS!So that's pretty much a "fav game" thread again? I go with Disgaea, tons of stuff to do and my fav. game ... but why would I ever have to play only one game forever?
dom2000's forum posts
Huh? I wasn't kidding..[/QUOTE Killer instinct gold for the N64...absolutely fantastic game! Brilliant brilliant brilliant! Spinal ftw![QUOTE="sakura_Ex"]
You're pretty funny,you almost had me there for second.
Game with a strong multiplayer component, focus on multipayer, has its own unlock system and profile storage, yet can be played entirely solo. It's as if we haven't had like games like this in the past for years at all.[QUOTE="skrat_01"][QUOTE="N30F3N1X"]
It's meant to be a multiplayer game
You can solo WoW up to level 85 content aswell, yet it's always online and noone whines about it lacking a single player.
Your point?
WoW is a MMOG....it can hardly be compared to Diablo 3!Looks great but am I the only one who is a tad disappointed? I remember watching the first trailer for battlefield 3 and being like OMG THAT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Now its just like...yea yea it looks better than any other game but not by thatttt much! Crysis 2 isnt that far off.
[QUOTE="dom2000"]I think its safe to say big console game vs big pc game = invariably more sales for the console gameskrat_01No not at all. It depends on the market, the audience, and where development is concentrated. Games like BC2 sold better on the PC if we're comparing multiplatform games, and TW2 was a rather hardcore PC title, and a sequel to a hardcore RPG title; there's no wider appeal of lets say Blizzard's games. By selective logic we can say Xbox 360 exclusives sell terribly because of Alan Wake's massively lacklustre sales despite massive support from Microsoft, and marketing to back it up. You are right...my statement was poorly worded and flat out wrong. What I should have said was a big console game with mass market appeal would sell more than a big pc game with mass market appeal. As you rightly put it, it all depends on the market. If game like Shogun 2 was on the consoles ( yea..yea i know, would never happen for sooo many reasons :P ) no matter how much money is pumped into marketing i highly doubt it would sell as well as on pc. It would be like a Alan Wake.
[QUOTE="dom2000"]Impressive...although I would have expected more from one of the most hyped pc exclusives in recent years! Just goes to show you how few pc exclusives nowadays break a million (although of course a million is not necessary for a game to be deemed successful..no where near)ferret-gamerRiiiight.... because console games automatically get millions upon millions of sales just because they are on consoles. Its not like 360 exclusives such as Alan Wake(125k in first 2 weeks), or PS3 exclusives like Demons Souls(150k in first month) sell significantly less than Witcher 2(400k in first week) ever did...........oh wait. I didnt say anything about consoles, I was just talking about pc :) Selling a million copies is a great and difficult achievement no matter what platform you are on, difference is pc games get more profit per unit sold so dont need to sell as much to be a great success. If i was a game developer pc would most certainly be where I start out! I would have loved to see CD Projekt expectations on how much this game would sell. Im sure they are happy with around a million sold in a month :P
Good sales for a game on any system. Outliers are hardly any indication of how the vast majority of games will sell (i.e. Gears/Halo/GT5 etc). This was in 1.5-3 months. That's damn impressive.
"Aww..look at all those jaggies. Wait...THOSE ARENT JAGGIES--..."
Oh my word lol! She must have small... Wait a second... Kid friendly forum here!
well it was a big deal and the biggest pc exclusive of the year afaik. killzone 3 sold twice as fast. I think its safe to say big console game vs big pc game = invariably more sales for the console game[QUOTE="KungfuKitten"]
And DRM free...
Which says a lot. Especially for the "PC is dying" naysayers.
Well DRM is pointless anyway, its at best a minor delay for the pirates! Witcher 2 was very heavily pirated though...i remember being awed by number of people pirating it when it first released[QUOTE="dom2000"]Impressive...although I would have expected more from one of the most hyped pc exclusives in recent years! Just goes to show you how few pc exclusives nowadays break a million (although of course a million is not necessary for a game to be deemed successful..no where near)lundy86_4
Hype on a few internet forums or gaming specific sites isn't indicative of what will be a sales giant. We amount to a minimal part of the gaming market.
True however I think I would be right in saying, on pc, hype on gaming specific sites as well as youtube videos can actually have a massive impact on sales...much more so than on consoles. Look at minecraft and amnesia!Websites, especially youtube, had a massive part to play in the success of those 2 games. And how many pc games have substantial marketing? Very very few! The only real pc exclusive "sales giants" with big marketing budgets would be blizzard games
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