I have always wished that there were some movies that were actually good that pertained to events in the Bible. I'm not only talking about the life of Jesus (though Passion of the Christ was indeed made) but events throughout the Bible. Why not more movies about the many battles in Scripture for example?mindstormOr the Acts of the Apostles and the great challenges that the early church had to overcome! That would make an amazing film!
dom2000's forum posts
Thats a trick question.. If you got AIDS.. It doesn't kill you.. It wrecks your immune system, so those little ones kill you.. Furthermore I would argue that some of the "little" illnesses aren't reallly little.. Some of the largest deaths are to things like influenza, something we take forgranted... sSubZerOoWell you could argue its "big diseases" that weaken your immune system to allow "small diseases" to kill you. A normal healthy person has almost nothing to fear from commons colds and flus
[QUOTE="UCF_Knight"]Yes but at what age? If you were going to die of cardiovascular disease at 90 but your immunity gets you past that you could easily just die at 91 from old age. Do not be under the illusion that cardiovascular disease only occurs if you are "old", its by far the biggest killer for anyone over 30!More people die from cardiovascular disease than cancer!
The atmosphere and the pacing was what completed the experience for me. I think whenever there were parts I didn't like (some of the weapons having no ummph. the shoddy combine soldier AI, the finicky car sections, the cliffhanger ending etc), the overall atmosphere of the whole game kept me undeniably hooked, and the pacing for me was nigh on perfect.
They nailed the setting so well, and every element of the game, from music to sound effects to locations... hard to explain really. It is still to this day the best game I have ever played.
I am going to take a wild guess then and say you haven't played that many games. Half Life 2 had to be the most boring game I have ever finished.
So, because your opinion differs from his, he is wrong? I have played basically every 6.0+ fps since i dunno 1998 or before and i think half life 2 is one of the very best if not the best.Great post, its fast paced intelligent gameplay is what makes it so fun. Not then "stand up shoot.....hide till health regenerates...rinse and repeat for 6 hours.... game over" thats heavily prevalent in todays games.The game felt huge and epic.
As you're running thru the world, going thru so many different environments, it feels like the game goes on forever.
The puzzles.
You know how every FPS these days is just "shoot faster, shoot longer, shoot more."
HL2 rewards you for playing smarter, for figuring out puzzles, you don't have to go mano-a-mano against everything, you can be smart and use the environment against itself.
Intelligence beats aim.
I like the populist theme. Most games have you as "soldier" or "special forces" working for some big government and given "mission objectives."
I prefer to be guerilla, freedom fighter, scientist, man of the people.
The controls.
They feel fast and agile, I don't like syruppy shooters where it takes you two hours to go down a corridor.
Overall Orange Box just felt "good."
I felt like it was old school, classic hardcore gaming, with more focus on the gameplay and story than the graphics.
More popular games, they are like "ooooh look at the visuals" and the gameplay and story is garbage.
In this the gameplay and story is perfect, the graphics are mediocre.
Ravenholm was one of the coolest experiences ever in gaming.
[QUOTE="Heil68"][QUOTE="USBxDVD"] You cant be helped now. You were too slow. Youll have to wait until Steam sells it. Or get it on Origin.USBxDVDSo as of today, there's no advantage of getting retail over steam? Gotcha. Sure there is. You can pre-order it on Amazon for $59.99 ATM with .99c release date delivery. Ive never had it fail on me once. For that extra .99c you get the physical disc that you can use anytime to install without waiting for a 7gb download. You also have a nice case you can add to your game shelf. And if the price ever drops from now til release, you get the lowest price. Thats their pre-order guarantee. This includes any promotional credit which likely will be offered in the coming weeks. You get all these benefits all while knowing that your BF3 wont be locked to your Steam account which you must be logged in to to access. Also, BF3 isnt available on Steam ATM. But when it is, these restrictions will be in place.
Gotta agree, steams non sale prices are much more expensive where i live than retail, which makes no sense when you think about it. Ofcourse half of system wars has a love affair with steam so are completely unable to see any of its faults at all.... heres a few examples just off the top of the steam best sellers list- Portal 2 Steam : £20 Amazon: £12 Brink Steam (HALF PRICE SALE!!!) £15 Brink Amazon: £8 (yup steam absolutely rocks....) Rage Steam: £30 Amazon: £25 etc etc Some steam sales on older games are mindblowingly brilliant like Batman AA for £1.50 or something but for newer games its not cheap...no where near! And a extra hat for tf2 is hardly worth paying up to £10 extra for the same game espically if the game can be steam activated. And to the people talking about scratching disks as a disadvantage of retail....all i gotta say is lol! I have never scratched a disk in my life and i have 100s of games and i dont exactly take great care of some of the older ones...you would have to go out of your way to scratch it to the extent that it does not work!
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