Buy a gaming rig, next gen consoles are only going to be around the level of current gaming rigs (unless they come out many years from now). Latest GPUs easily do x8 MSAA antialiaising, 2k - 4k textures and lots and lots of real-time lighting. The only real improvement will come when more games are developed specifically to push the hardware, but the hardware already exists in current PC gaming.
Yes, Yes... I have a gaming PC. I don't buy many games on it because of the stupid DRM they have. Plus the fact that hackers are so freaken bad. No body can play fair on PC any more.
There is to many variables to deving for PC. There is so many combos of hardware, software and all the other factors that make systems unique...it's all but impossible to make a perfect running game.
Lol i doubt u have a gaming rig because 1 DRM is not that bad ive had absolutely no problems with it unless you are one of the few people in the world with computers and no internet 2 Hackers are not that much of a problem on any decent server...immediately kicked! Consoles also have their fair share of hackers and ive actually encounter more on consoles than pc 3 "Optimise graphics settings" There you go....
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