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#1 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts


Buy a gaming rig, next gen consoles are only going to be around the level of current gaming rigs (unless they come out many years from now). Latest GPUs easily do x8 MSAA antialiaising, 2k - 4k textures and lots and lots of real-time lighting. The only real improvement will come when more games are developed specifically to push the hardware, but the hardware already exists in current PC gaming.


Yes, Yes... I have a gaming PC. I don't buy many games on it because of the stupid DRM they have. Plus the fact that hackers are so freaken bad. No body can play fair on PC any more.

There is to many variables to deving for PC. There is so many combos of hardware, software and all the other factors that make systems's all but impossible to make a perfect running game.

Lol i doubt u have a gaming rig because 1 DRM is not that bad ive had absolutely no problems with it unless you are one of the few people in the world with computers and no internet 2 Hackers are not that much of a problem on any decent server...immediately kicked! Consoles also have their fair share of hackers and ive actually encounter more on consoles than pc 3 "Optimise graphics settings" There you go....

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#2 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

Lol this forum is ridiculous...we have pc gamers talking about how they are 2-3 generations ahead of consoles and then we are given screenshots that look better than any similar artstyle pc game by a large margin(even Metro pales in comparison to these pics imo) and you complain? Based on your own logic next gen consoles wont look anywhere near as good high end pc games right now....

Imagine if next gen consoles had the equivalent of a gtx580 or even a gtx480, at 1080p(cant see them running any high than this, theres no need to) and 4xaa they would look far superior to high end pc games right now due to how better optimised they are!

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#3 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

With all this negative press and disgrunted pc gamers will crysis 2 outsell crysis?

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#4 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts


Lol 2-3 generations ahead? Seriously hermits? The hardware is maybe a gen ahead but in terms of! Lets compare textures, animations, special effects, ai etc of for example killzone 3 to perfect dark on the you actually believe that is the same as the difference between bc2 on the ps3 and pc?? Lol!! Higher resolution only does so much...the animations for example are identical in all 3 versions! I would say the textures of that amazing looking gta4 mod would be a generation ahead but the sound, animations,special effects etc are still the same as gta4! And heres a question, why if pc gamers get 90+ exclusives a year does very few (aka 0) games take up the extra power that high end pcs have? I primarily play on pc btw and find the overall experience to be far better than consoles..but come on! Some of the crap i hear from hermits about pcs espically to do with graphics is laughable! Even things like ai?How many times to you see "Pc games have far better graphics, sound, animations, ai etc than console games" and sound yes! Animations and! Barely any difference at all!


Now this is normal consoler bashing right here... You you even realize thatalmost all thosegames are multiplatform aredesigned around consoles first then Pc's are an after thought most of the time? Then for those Pc exculsives they want to target all areas of Pc gamersincluding theirlaptop's net books, old and new Pc's. And yes Pc hardware is 2-3 generations ahead then what consoles have. Console run on direct x 9 based hardware while Pc is already on Direct x 11 hardware. Then the consoles are stuck with 512mb of memory for both system and video usage(256mb and 256mb)while todays Pc's have 4Gb (4096mb)or more for system usage and then for gpu's have 512mb -2gb(2048mb) worth of video memory. Now moving onto the actual gpu performance of the console's, the PS3 is using a gimped Geforce 7800 while we have went through Geforce 8,9, 200's, 400, and 500's? The same thing applies to the 360 and ATi gpu's. For example the GTX 480 is nearly 12x faster with 6x the memory(1.5gb)then what a single console gpuhas in total... Then on the cpu front consoles gain are really behind the 360's tri core cpu is slower then an Athlon X2 from 2005... Needless to say that consoles are the basis for most games which limits Pc abilities from the start.

So what I said what right? In terms of games pc is not 2-3 generations ahead of consoles. Whats the point having the extra power if it is never used except to increase the resolution and maybe the occasional special effect (certainly not generation defining stuff)?
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#5 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

Some people are in denial when thinking about whats going to happen to the next generation of consoles. They will be a step foward but not a leap. MS is looking into AMD Fusion 2 APU tech for their next console and the rate APU performance is going by the end of 2012 the graphics power will only be under the range of an ATI 5670 gpu. Which is low ended in todays standards its slower then a 8800GTS or 9800GTX back 3-4 years ago. Sony, MS and Nintendo will not be pushing top ended hardware because of costs. MS and Sony didnt make a dime on the consoles themselves until years after the fact. They are not going to repeat their past mistakes. By 2006 Pc hardware was already multiple times better then what the consoles could do with the release of the 8800GTX. and by 2007 Pc hardware prices dropped enough where most people could get a descent gaming system which quite a few are still using. The problem is that with multiplatform games you have to build the game around the console's limits mainly memory related(affects everything). And Pc's tend to be underutilized in the memory and processing power areas. Crysis 2 is a perfect example what happens when a Pc oreinated game gets converted to work on consoles. Smaller levels, more linear pathways, limited draw distances and a very static environment with heavy scripted events. Its like comparing what a console can do vs a what Pc can do. Imagine a tennis court with two player is what a console can create at any given time and then Pc can create a football field with two football teams . Console multiplatforming has really held back Pc gaming in general since 2007. 04dcarraher

Dont blame Cryteks design choice on consoles! I for one am glad they choose New York! They have made enough great games in jungles!

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#6 dom2000
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Lol 2-3 generations ahead? Seriously hermits? The hardware is maybe a gen ahead but in terms of! Lets compare textures, animations, special effects, ai etc of for example killzone 3 to perfect dark on the you actually believe that is the same as the difference between bc2 on the ps3 and pc?? Lol!! Higher resolution only does so much...the animations for example are identical in all 3 versions! I would say the textures of that amazing looking gta4 mod would be a generation ahead but the sound, animations,special effects etc are still the same as gta4! And heres a question, why if pc gamers get 90+ exclusives a year does very few (aka 0) games take up the extra power that high end pcs have? I primarily play on pc btw and find the overall experience to be far better than consoles..but come on! Some of the crap i hear from hermits about pcs espically to do with graphics is laughable! Even things like ai?How many times to you see "Pc games have far better graphics, sound, animations, ai etc than console games" and sound yes! Animations and! Barely any difference at all!

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#7 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

Are we sure this is medium settings??? Cause damn that looks good! Easily better than the vanilla very high of the orginial, much less stand out uglyness aka rock textures and better lighting,animation and particle effects! I actually cant believe people can complain about this? Wat are you expecting? If this is indeed medium, then very high might actually blow my mind...and i cant even fathom wat modded crysis 2 might look like! For the first time in 4 years ive been seriously impressed by graphics!

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#8 dom2000
Member since 2004 • 505 Posts

Are we sure this is medium settings??? Cause damn that looks good! Easily better than the vanilla very high of the orginial, much less stand out uglyness aka rock textures and better lighting,animation and particle effects! I actually cant believe people can complain about this? Wat are you expecting? If this is indeed medium, then very high might actually blow my mind...and i cant even fathom wat modded crysis 2 might look like! For the first time in 4 years ive been seriously impressed by graphics!

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#9 dom2000
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Lol! Im a pc gamer but would hate to be labelled a hermit on this forum....the way they act is hilarious and predictable.... this is not consolisation! This is an intelligent design choice which doesnt change how useful the suit...all the powers are still there ...and the choice to make the game more linear and storybased is one i welcome as long the ability to tackle an objective in multiple different ways is retained which, from reading previews it is!

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#10 dom2000
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I dunno, but Crysis' audio is superb when set to Very High, and there's lots of PC games in my collection that have very high quality audio. Just as good as any of my PS3 -games. (The best one in my collection has to be Ratchet&Clank: A Crack In Time). I use S/PDIF to connect to my 5.1 home theatre... God, I love good audio in games :)tume-x
I didnt think Crysis's audio was particularly good! The guns sound pretty weak and the overall quality of sound was not great in my opinion. I played half life 2 and directly after played Crysis and i was struck by how much better Half life 2 sounded and i wudnt even rate half life 2s sound in the top bracket in terms of audio!