Its very sad that this hasnt been said yet....Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood!!!!! Great game and so underrated its not even funny. Fear 2 as well...tho hated by many for reasons i dont quite understand (sure it didnt have the same impact as the orginal but its still a great game with very fun gun fights) Chronicles of Riddick is just amazing as well...better than almost every game this gen imo! Half life 2 and the episodes are fantastic as well! And the orginal Crysis! The lack of great and innovative fps single player campaigns nowadays saddens me :( When is the last time one was released?
dom2000's forum posts
No it isn't the standard on PCs
Steam surveys are unreliable cuz.... NOT EVERYBODY USES STEAM. Also you don't even need much of anything to play Source games which the majority of Steam users play anyway of course.....
And the opinion of system wars is more reliable? Were the most "hardcore" reside?in fps multiplats such as call of duty. Obviously in real fps such as CSS and Unreal tournament, the skill level is much higher and controllers would get destroyed! But i think (and know by using an xbox controller in cod4) that a good player using a controller can definitely hold their own, and dont appear to be at a significant disadvantage against the vast majority of pc gamers playing fps multiplats. Controllers definitely arnt at the massive disadvantage that some users on this forum imply....most certainly not a "gimped" control scheme.
If i didnt know any better xtasy i wud think you work for amd..... eyefinity is pretty cool but i cant say i like the black edges of the screens! Definitely would be very annoying and im sure plenty of people agree with me.Here's a good video from HardOCP showing how to set up Eyefinity. It even runs older games like Half-Life 2 Episode 1 (which is demonstrated here):
I see no reason why they wouldnt be able to...,, and you dont necessarily need over 60fps for M/KB. I was able to own just fine with 40ish on CSS back in the dayHave fun playing on console with M/KB @ 30 frames per second. Will lag like hell lol. And no, nextgen won't be able to put out true HD and 60 fps at the same time. And you need 60 fps or more for M/KB.
Crysis smokes Uncharted 2.[QUOTE="KHAndAnime"][QUOTE="TheKing012"]
they're both mediocre.
want a game that is consistenly good throughout? play Uncharted 2.
no, just no.
96>91 and 89 (Crysis and Crysis 2 respectively).
Lol no...i couldnt even complete uncharted 2...i really do not understand the hype about this game! Its cinematic yea...but its gameplay is absolutely nothing special, passible shooting and passible platforming! Wow.... ^^ Crysis is easily the superior game!
how many pc gamers would be tempted to switch? In the age of multiplats I think the greatest advantage the pc has is this control scheme....espically if the likes of Stalker appears on stalker! I would be seriously tempted to jump ship! Ofcourse i will still have pretty decent pc for all the great indie games that come out!
indoor environments look terrible! As does many of the textures(rocks! mesa multiplayer map) which are much more noticeable than the low resolution textures in Crysis 2. The orginal modded crysis can look absolutely stunning in custom maps but in the orginal campaign even modded theres so many low resolution textures than stand out against the amazing looking folliage and indoors even with mods still is no where near as good as Crysis 2! Crysis 2 modded in custom maps i think will blow everyone away!
So is pc! How much is a decent gaming pc in dollars? $700? In the Uk the equivilent would probably be close to £700! Much more expensive!
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