Anyone with a semi-decent gaming computer should be able to run at a higher resolution and framerate than the consoles! For me this usually results in most multiplats just looking cleaner! In most games its certainly not a night and day difference between pc and consoles however the difference is actually noticeable unlike the differences between most xbox and ps3 multiplats!
dom2000's forum posts
Without mods crysis's graphics really dont impress me at all anymore! Certainly not head and shoulders above the top console games! Even with mods its really not thatttt good overall with things like really low resolution rock textures really standing out!
This actually looks prety good if you can see past the crappness of the players....much better than crysis wars in my opinion! Im pretty sure its pc graphics as well! Crysis wars looks like ass on my computer compared to crysis warhead so hopefully the single player verson will look much better.
Lol all 3 versions look pretty similar other than the mirror and particle effects. Im actually pretty disappointed at how not significant the difference is between the pc and really amazes me!
Again those multiplat games are designed around the lowest common denominator which are the consoles. When get a true Pc game and not a console port their are huge differences. Consoles are holding Pc graphics back when most companies create multiplatform games. I agree completely! But considering the majority of pc games now are multiplat then tc is correct....overall pc gaming does not look that much better than console gaming.[QUOTE="dom2000"]
Im a pc gamer but come lets be honest, with the exception of a handful of games...pc does not look that significantly better than consoles, the difference is definitely not as big as it should be. Just look at the comparison pics on this thread.....pc clearly looks sharper due to a higher resolution and runs better but thats just about it. No big night and day difference that some users here seem to claim. I really cant see how anyone can deny this... A non gamer would probably not even notice any difference at all!
Im a pc gamer but come lets be honest, with the exception of a handful of games...pc does not look that significantly better than consoles, the difference is definitely not as big as it should be. Just look at the comparison pics on this thread.....pc clearly looks sharper due to a higher resolution and runs better but thats just about it. No big night and day difference that some users here seem to claim. I really cant see how anyone can deny this... A non gamer would probably not even notice any difference at all!
You also get things like higher texture resolution, higher AA and AF etc. Depending on the game, many multiplats may not use certain aspects that are possible. However look at games like Metro 2033 -- the difference between the console and max on PC is not even close, and i'm talking a huge difference.
Metro is one of the handful of games that i was talking about that looks significantly better than anything consoles can offer. But for the vast majority of multiplats the difference is not that significant! The higher resolution just corresponds to a cleaner look! That is it! Animation is not better, models dont look better and theres no (apart from a few games) significant difference in special effects. When i got a ps3 and compared mw2 to my pc version I was actually very surprised how similar both games look.[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"]Why do console only players believe that they are getting the same experience as PC gamers? It's ridiculous, you want better experience you need to pay more, period.04dcarraherTrue, They want to think they arent being left behind and thats why they come up with "this game vs Crysis" threads. It funny that they are comparing 2004 based tech with 2006+ based pc tech which is 4x better or more. The Xenos GPU in the 360 uses around 256mb of video memory and 330 million transistors The RSX GPU in the PS3 has around 300 million transistors with 256mb of memory. While a 2007 GPU like 8800GT has 512mb of memory with 754 million transistors. Then a 2008 GPU like the GTX 260 has 896mb of memory with over a billion transistors Now in 2009/2010 you have ATI 5870 with ethier 1gb to 2gb of memory and over 2 billion transistors and the GTX 480 with over 3 billion trasistors and 1.5gb of memory. Right there should show you that Pc graphics processing and graphics power is leagues ahead of the consoles. Yes there is a massive difference in power however this does not correlate with an equally massive difference in image quality, no where near! It is not the difference in graphics that means console gamers have (IMO) a inferior experience than pc gamers. Console graphics are more than adequate for me! Actually no games impress me graphically anymore at all! Even crysis is starting to look just ok...
Im a pc gamer but come lets be honest, with the exception of a handful of games...pc does not look that significantly better than consoles, the difference is definitely not as big as it should be. Just look at the comparison pics on this thread.....pc clearly looks sharper due to a higher resolution and runs better but thats just about it. No big night and day difference that some users here seem to claim. I really cant see how anyone can deny this... A non gamer would probably not even notice any difference at all!
As a mainly pc gamer, when I brought this game for my ps3 I found the game to be good but that was it....just good. I really cant understand how so many people consider it to sooo great. The games strong points were how cinematic the set pieces can be at times and how the characters interact with each other...i found it to be very believeable. The actual gameplay however was just ok in my opinion. The gunplay was good but nothing mindblowing and the platforming was cool at the start but i started to get sick of it half way through. I also found the graphic to be quite good but again nothing I have to agree, I do consider uncharted 2 to be quite overrated.
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