No 14 - It was actually Rey who mentioned lifting rocks, not Luke. Luke's reference to lifting rocks was PURELY in response to her statement. Nothing else. There was no sarcasm or bitterness towards his own training. This is a non-easter egg. Now strike it from the record.
@Ha2e: Now you're just putting words in my mouth because that's not what I said at all.
I'm responding to your statement that "audiences are starved [of] strong heroins". Strong heroins are everywhere now, not just "2 every 5 years or so" (what nonsense) and we have had them in some capacity or another for quite a while.
@Ha2e: "because people are so starved for a strong heroine"
Have you been living under a rock? We've had strong heroins for decades. Aliens, Tomb Raider, The Long Kiss Goodnight, Sarah Conner and on and on and on.
@Ha2e: Dude, what are you talking about? Anakin came out of nowhere. He had no "family line" etc. He was the Chosen One of his generation just as Rey is the Chosen One of this generation.
I agree on the PC agenda, not so much with Rey, but in general with females in powerful positions throughout. They just seemed ham-fisted into those positions with the sole intention of scoring points of virtue outside of the film itself rather than fitting into those roles naturally.
Personally I thought TLJ was a bit of a mess on the editing side, but there were good and bad parts. It's not great, but it's not garbage either.
@ltjohnnyrico: Oh I agree completely. I'm not fussed either way, all I meant was it just seemed like one writer had intentions to take her lineage somewhere (hinted at in TFA) and the other kicked against it due to all the fan theorising etc. as it was the only way he could implement some sort of twist/shock moment.
Domiddian's comments