@TexasStuBaby: You basically just repeated what he said. And now I have to repeat what I said.
No Playstation is NOT the only division within Sony that's kicking ass; Sony's banking, financial and insurance divisions are kicking ass too and rake in far more profit for Sony than Playstation does.
When third parties start saying it's not financially viable to release this game or that game on your console anymore due to the fact that your market share is too small, believe me, it matters.
I hope that doesn't happen as I like having the choice, but if you're to blind to realise it could well become a reality then you're the moron, not me.
@lordossiss: It's easy to be ahead in sales at the start of a generation when the company you're competing against does not release their console for a FULL YEAR after yours, as it was with the PS3 and 360. You're a boob, **** off already.
@suicidesn0wman: "best frame rate over best resolution". X1 games have marginally better frame rates around 10% of the time. Same with PS4 lately having marginally better resolution around 10% of the time. Things like that are for fanboys to latch on to.
@brazprince: I think Lego World (basically Minecraft, but using lego) will settle that. Minecraft will become less and less significant and I think it was a mistake for MS to buy it as an IP.
@Adam802: And yet I'm willing to bet my, house, car and job that you were one of the ones who said they were getting a PS4 after Microsoft's 2013 press conference.
Domiddian's comments