@bluefox755: It was too late for some of us. They were one of the few who actually reviewed the full game. Everyone else spammed 9s and 10s while a ton of us got boned by the MP
@g_vakarian History repeats itself,the last 2 gens were dominated by Sony and Nintendo. It's going to happen again but I think it's going to be on a larger scale since devs aren't as limited.
@flakjackets Not a fanboy of any console but from my experiences with all consoles Sony's 2nd year is always the starting point for when the games start rolling in. LP3 This month, 1886 Feb, Blood Bourne March.
Even if it included female characters I wouldn't play Unity,I have no interest in the French Revolution. It was the only thing in history class I didn't care for,now it's in a game I still don't have interest in it
The voice acting thing was never a problem for me,I knew it was Alpha .There's a lot of people who don't understand that wasn't even close to the final thing.
@ALZex Can't say I was like you but I was losing hope almost after a year and the game was coming out soon and they weren't showing a lick of gameplay or details. It was renewed when I was playing Alpha. The no aim assist in the game feels really natural too
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