@arqe @domisbatman You PC gamers are god awful creatures. You dudes think everything belongs on your PC and everything should be your way when it doesn't work like that .Who said I'm strictly a console gamer ? I'm apart of the true master race, I own PSX,PS2,PS3,PS4,Xbox,two 360s,Xbox One,3DS,WiiU,and a gaming PC.Once again you PC gamers have the audacity to call yourselves gamers,you're calling console gamers cancer,for what?Because they're fine with what they have as long as it's great?If it ain't broke don't fix it. Progress will be made,and that progress also takes time.And trust me it really don't matter, I can play countless games at 30 FPS and have fun. I still play my PS2 and Dukebox, I wish I had a Gamecube,I would play that too. Just because you're some stuck up keyboard warrior that refuse to play anything below 60 FPS doesn't mean everyone should be that way.
It's really sad that you can't have fun with games unless they're not at your elitist status.YOU'RE THE PROBLEM WITH MODERN GAMING,not console gamers
Hell I don't even think that lonesamurai1 guy is as bad as you
@4kgamer_lmxxx It's fine . All I care for is great games . Did that stop The Last of US from being great ,no , Red Dead Redemption,Uncharted,Super Mario Galaxy,Skyward Sword,or any of the great games I've played ? Nope. Sad part is you have the audacity to call yourself a gamer
I'm wondering why in the hell they said this when E3 is next month ... Lost a huge bang there , plase don't say gameplay trailer we know what Halo looks like
DomisBatman's comments