The Republican party has become delusional, insane, racist and fascist.
It's absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous to claim that the Democratic party is on the same level of madness and historical embarrassment as the Republican party.
Obviously, the two-party system and both of its parties have problems, but saying that the Democrats are as bad as the Republicans is willfully ignorant, and it is false.
Well, it should have a very easy time being better than the movie, which is easily in the bottom three comic book movies ever made, along with The Spirit.
I'm not going to give a game that linear and restricted a 10/10.
I must admit I was impressed that Gamespot didn't give God of War a 10/10. I liked it enough to earn the somewhat easy platinum on it... but honestly...
God of War is the most overrated game of all time. The fact that it won game of the year over RDR2 is a much bigger, much sicker joke than Gamespot's failure to give it RDR2 the score it deserved.
Giving GOW game of the year over RDR2 is total joke. GOW is a good game, but it's a training wheels game. You can't even fall off of a cliff. The tasks are repetitive and the rewards and customization is flat. It doesn't even belong in the same conversation as RDR2. GOW is a 7/10.
RDR2, on the other hand, is easily the best game of the last ten years.
Either I got used to the lag or never experienced it. But I didn't play it on XBOX. I played it on PS4.
I can see why a USER wouldn't give it 10, because all users are inherently biased. But a professional reviewer is not supposed to be, and I stick to my argument.
I mean... I've noticed that it's younger people who don't have as much patience, and who aren't capable of noticing all the politics and philosophy that Red Dead 2 has.
A lot of kids 18 and younger aren't educated enough to even understand Red Dead 2 fully. Actually, a lot of adults aren't smart enough to get it either.
Red Dead 2 is one of the most mature games ever made. You say it's too unforgiving, but that was why I LOVED it. I was one of the first 500 people in the world to get the platinum on it, and it was excruciating, but when you're in your 30's, and you've been good at games since you were 5... the more I got into the quest for platinum on that game, realizing how much punishment I was getting... I mean it was agonizing at times.
There's just no way a teenager is going to be able to do it without hating the game. So that's probably part of the youthful bias against RDR2. They're just not patient or good enough or smart enough or mature enough to appreciate the game.
The last thing you want is an easy game. Red Dead 2 was absolutely murderously ruthless in terms of difficulty of completion (not beating the game - but getting platinum).
Also... Red Dead 2 (which I've beaten story on at least 3 times now), has so much hidden in it that kids will just blow by and not have the attention span to find or even stop to see right in front of them.... they're not going to like it.
Hell, anyone who isn't really good at games is going to have a problem with RDR2 because it makes them realize they suck. I know trophy hunters who refuse to play Rockstar games because the platinum trophies are too hard for them. That's so pathetic to me.
Every game has problems. The problems Gamespot identified to dock it a point weren't valid. Especially not in the face of how the game has no close competitor for what it is.
Seriously. The next best single player game out there isn't even close to RDR2. The gulf is wide.
Also, a lot of these chumps didn't enjoy the game because they're idiots who ruin things for themselves by reading reviews and spoilers and guides BEFORE playing and beating the story the first time. That's a big NO NO and is guaranteed to make you not like a game as much.
Always play a major release BLIND and beat it before reading ANYTHING about it as far as reviews and story info and spoilers. If you don't follow this principle, you're just shooting yourself.
But I won't deny that GTA V is much more accessible. But even the platinum for that game is pretty hard. Also, just in case you or anyone who doesn't like the game hasn't I really don't think it's possible to have a valid opinion about RDR2 if you haven't played AND beaten it.
Either way this all just goes back to the TLOU2 review.....
I can't believe that Gamespot's review here isn't (as it has been in other cases) just a way for them to stand out as an outlier amongst the sea of reviews.
They seem to calculate how they will score the most major releases so that it makes their review stand out from the crowd. As in --- if the critic average is 87 -- they'll give a 10. If the critic average is 97, they'll be the only publication that gives it less than a 10.
I think they do it just to drive traffic to their site. Hence why I think they're unprofessional.
Pick the right person on your staff to review each game. Don't try to mess with the public by intentionally trolling them by picking reviewers who are at odds with the game by virtue of their character.
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