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Edited By DoneWithGamespot


Almost all of the negative reviews are fake and created by right-wing psychos who are afraid their kids will become part of the LGBT community.

The massive collection of negative reviews is one big ball of lies and political insanity that is coming from the conservative right-wing, Trump-supporting cancer of our society.

If you're not smart enough to understand that, you're probably a kid.

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You know what's worse than "woke propaganda"?

Being one of the delusional, disgusting tyrants to humanity that is on the other side.

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Edited By DoneWithGamespot


About which part?

Let me clarify ---

I'm not kidding about the GTA V and RDR2 thing.

Gamespot was literally the only respectable publication with the anti-Rockstar bias and stones to give GTA V a 9/10 (literally every other respectable publication didn't fight the truth). It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in video game reviewing history.

But when they doubled-down and gave Red Dead Redemption 2 a 9/10 as well, I lost all respect for Gamespot --- hence my gimmick.

It's not a joke.

The 9/10 reviews for those two games were DELIBERATE trolling on Rockstar and its fans, and it's unforgivable. I'm not sure what kind of rift between Gamespot and Rockstar occured between GTA IV and GTA V (they accurately gave IV a 10/10), but there is something we clearly don't know.

The trolling with GTA V was extremely obvious due to the choice of their reviewer for that game.

But to disrespect RDR2 like that.... it was just on another level of inexcusable disrespect. It's literally the best single player game of the millennium, and they gave it a 9/10.

This is notwithstanding the many other examples I could provide of extremely questionable reviewing tactics regarding high profile games.

I've already had to read and become nauseated by dozens and dozens of incredibly ignorant, absurdly stupid and whining user scores and reviews regarding RDR2, but to have Gamespot stoop so low ---- it was just the ultimate unprofessional move, and I'm 100% convinced that there is a spat between Gamespot and Rockstar that isn't public that led to the insult.

So long story short:

Yes, Gamespot scoring GTA V and RDR2 9/10 is THE ULTIMATE abomination in the history of video game reviews. I cannot think of another game review that is more ridiculously insulting than those two... and I've been gaming for over 30 years... and reading reviews for over 25 years.

As far as I'm concerned, Gamespot is spineless and incapable of objective and fair assessments of video games.

So with all the right-wing bot trolling hatred for TLOU2 on metacritic, plus Gamespot's sketchy track record, I'm expecting TLOU2 to be BETTER than the first.

Just trying to bring it back to topic here.

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Fair enough regarding TLOU---- but I will NEVER forgive Gamespot for giving GTA V AND RDR2 9/10.

It's literally the worst abomination in the history of video game reviews.

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Yeah well --- you may be right.

But holy hell --- reading the user reviews on ---

It's obvious that there ir a right-wing force that is spamming the site with phony zero star reviews that are crucifying the game for its LGBT issues.

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Edited By DoneWithGamespot


And you sound like you work for Gamespot and asked 12 of your coworkers to like your response so you can bogusly defend the journalistic integrity of this site.

Your ignorant summary of my claim sounds a whole lot dumber than I sound like a fanboy. Having a problem with a biased, inaccurate review doesn't make someone a fanboy.

But you sure know how to appeal to the immature kids who are looking to feel good about hating one of the best games ever made, and instead like playing --- whatever game you think is better.

There is nothing more pathetic than the jerks who refer to people who admit that Rockstar makes the best games as "fanboys". If a cheap "fanboy" tossout is the best insult you can come up with when you don't know how to type out a thought-out response, you've got a lot more problems than I do.

Obviously, I irritated you by implying MGS V is not a 10/10... Mr. Psycho Mantis. The best MGS was IV. Let it go.

I'm miffed by your punk dismissal of my statement though. Rather than say something relevant, you went with a cheap insult to get some cheap likes from other cheap thinkers like yourself.

You know there is validity in what I said, so you went with a low blow as a distraction.

Gamespot's reviews are maddeningly inconsistent and unprofessional.

They don't even know how to qualify praise.

(RE: Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) with the headline "A Timeless Classic" and then a 9/10 score)

I stand by my claim.

Giving GTA V and RDR2 a 9/10, but Uncharted 4 (which I loved) a 10/10 ---- it's just STUPID.

Maybe you could actually comment on what I'm pointing out here rather than being what you called me about this.

Face it --- they're not balanced, nor fair, and they cherry-pick who on their staff they have review a game based on WHAT THEY WANT GAMESPOT TO SCORE THE GAME.

It's biased. Period.

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The first underwater/above water colossus was the one that blew me away and made me realize I was playing a true classic.

When I grabbed its back and got pulled under water the first time and then back out... I was floored.

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I disagree.

I have played and beaten ONLY this version, and many times while playing I told myself how glad I was to have waited for such a beautiful presentation of the game.

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Please just tell me... since you... uh... say in the title that the game is a TIMELESS CLASSIC....

WHY IN THE **** you gave it a 9/10?

This is why Gamespot makes no sense.

If it's a timeless classic, and you give it a 9/10 ---- you do not understand logic and qualification.

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I agree that RDR2 is the best game of 2010-2020, and the game of the generation (sans online), but it would be wise not to judge a game that hasn't even been released.

I avoided TLOU until this week when I finally played and beat it, and I thought it was great (9/10).

I have a hard time believing part 2 won't be good. Especially given the stakes.