Honestly I'm so tired of public opinion on everything. There are many changes to government we could demand that would only be made if millions of people demanded them, such as campaign finance reform and voting reforms. These changes would save our nation but no one cares about it because people don't think they're responsible. We need a third party, reforms to both houses of representation, and a way to challenge Supreme Court rulings other than future Supreme Court rulings. Perhaps re-institute the banking regulations that Bill Clinton removed when he removed Glass-Steagall. The masses like easy answers. There is a ton of stuff people do that we continue to do simply because it's tradition. We are opportunists who look to be offended or pained in order to sue.
Regarding violence people think about Newtown as though it were happening on a weekly basis. Those types of crimes are incredibly uncommon compared to gang violence, which is motivated by poverty and a score of other issues. Chicago has more murders than almot anywhere because of gangs. Secondly, no one likes admitting the correlation between birth control and crime reduction because unwanted children in single parent homes make up the majority group of criminals. Thirdly, these gang crimes are committed by ILLEGAL guns, not LEGAL ones. Since they're criminals, why will they pay attention to laws???
Here we are again, however, the masses see two seemingly relatable things and say to themselves, I'm smart (for some reason) and I'm capable of making decisions. There's hundreds of millions of people worldwide who play video games, that number is higher among a certain demographic. If a 20 year old does or doesn't commit a crime, odds are he plays video games just by virtue of being 20 years old.
It depends on the game. When I'm playing XCOM I find it much more rewarding if I know that there's permadeath and I don't restart or anything. I also like it more in multiplayer FPS, like in Counter-strike or that mode in CoD which is basically the same game type. However, there is something to be said about the instant spawn slot-machine like appeal of CoD's other multiplayer modes, as well as in certain single-player RPG's where you just don't like certain types of decisions.
@Conjuration there's a market for it, not enough competition to reduce the price. I don't consider smart phones a viable option for gaming and most people have laptops that can't handle most real games. same thing with DLC prices, they could have gone down if there was some sort of competition or of people didn't just keep buying it no matter what.
@Daemoroth you're right, let's pay more because the price should be determined by what we can pay, not what we should pay (or what a product is worth).
I hate the mentality of we need equality, so we need to put a person of X gender, X race or X ethnicity into this role. Is that not admitting inferiority in the first place? Wouldn't the equal choice be to allow them to make their own artistic/economic decisions based on what's best for them? If a woman being in the game would net them more money and or, in their opinion, make it a better game, and they STILL refused to put a woman into it, that would be sexism. But that's not the case here, and I'm sure they've got some kind of marketing research to back up their claims.
@Speed2x @downloadthefile that's an idiotic perspective, the two are completely unrelated. I can install steam games on any computer I want just can't play them all at the same time. obviously the time before steam you remember is from the 90s, because the 2000s have been filled with installation codes and invasive DRM and steam is a less invasive alternative and gives lots of cheap deals on games. what you're saying makes zero sense, it's two unrelated points, consoles have plenty of their own piracy and used game problems and the devs/publishers are the ones you should be angry at. not a PC service.
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