PC games differ from console games due to activation codes, so they'll probably lose. if it were an xbox or ps3 market issue then I wouldn't be surprised if they won.
I guess someone must have found out that I'm actually really interested in buying this game so they delayed it five months past when I thought it was gonna be released. It seems like even the small things like this are going bad. Sorry guys.
@Treadstone86 @downloadthefile correct, but I was referring to the Christian right, not the Christian left or the non-Christian right. My statement isn't refuting the existence of other right wing people.
Same guy who wanted to control the internet via SOPA. This guy is so out of touch with modern society. Half our politicians don't understand what's going on because they put in zero effort and make these incredibly general statements about things, and the other half are usually just wrong anyway. All they care about is fundraising. None of them are interested in actual, moderate solutions because the public consists of people who enjoy soundbytes over actually looking into an issue, since Hoarders or Toddlers in Tiaras is probably on and they can't be bothered after their "long day."
So tired of having the rights of people questioned by others who simply refuse to understand or are unethically motivated by a massive Christian right who make up about 40 million reliable votes consistently. Why do you think your party is losing all its relevancy in the modern era, Lamar? And I actually don't like either party, but the Republicans are far more disgusting to me in general.
I know a lot of people may not have heard of this game but it's going to be the best available MMO when it comes out. Been following it a long time and stopped for a while because it was only releasing in Asia. Now that it's here, I'm incredibly excited. It's the most unique MMO I've seen developed in that it's a sandox game that actually has enough funding to make it worth while.
Nintendo is the Disney of gaming. Can't make a game that would venture into the "M" region and forever pegged as being a bit more child-oriented. It's not like that should prevent them from making good games though, just means they aren't Take Two.
@gufberg releasing government secrets that can endanger the lives of military personnel is a crime unrelated to freedom of speech. and I'm fine with what assange did but of course the government doesn't like it.
I just hope that if anybody gets caught with these games that they don't have wives or daughters who will get punished on their behalf. It's a shameful display how our primal origins that human beings treat other human beings this way in any part of the world.
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