This post is about the All Time Greatest Hero competition on Gamespot. To be frank, I'm pissed. It looks like the voters in this competition are a bunch of ignorant buffoons: I mean, Bob and Bub beating Master Chief? What? That's ridiculous! i know that Bubble Trouble or whatever it's called is a great game (I won't lie: I was addicted in 6th grade), but it's Master Chief!!! This guy defeated the Covenant and saved the universe AND banged Cortana. Okay, so maybe that last one is a fantasy of mine, but still. And then Ryu beating out Niko Bellic! I mean, jeeze, Ryu's all right but Niko is one of the most relatable, likable characters in video game history! Period! My final main quip about ridiculous matchups is Ratchet and Clank loosing to I don't even know who. The character that Ratchet and Clank lost to is so unsubstantial that I can't even remember who it is!!! Oh, and Leon Kennedy loosing to Duke Nukem? What the eff guys. Duke Nukem is and always will be a Doom rip-off with strippers. Resident Evil 4 is and always will be the greatest action game ever made. Now onto my anger over the Final Four: it's stacked by the Nintendo fanboys. I know these guys are known for not haivng a lfie and doing pretty much anything other then dying to further their idols status, but where's the Sony and Microsoft vanguard?!!? There should be an uprising or something over this!!! The fact that those two companies signature characters, Master Chief and Ratchet and Clank, aren't in the quarterfinals is appaling. (I know Kratos is in there, but I feel like Ratchet and Clank are more fun and relatable.) Well, there's my rant. I'm gonna go back to my dark lonely dungeon to brood for a fews weeks. Till next time!
dr_mcguire Blog
Rainbow Six Vegas Two and Army of Two
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Massive Effect, Boredom, and the American Way
by dr_mcguire on Comments
Several thoguhts today: first, Mass Effect is amazing. The graphics. WOW. The gmaeplay: SOLID. The story: oh **** It's simply an amazing game, that in my mind is the Star Wars of the industry. Very revolutionary. Very entertaining. The only thing I have against it is the loading times. Then agian, it's an RP, so loading times are basiclly a miniquest. Also, although the univers is MASSIVE (hence the name, eh?) I feel like the side missions left alot tobe desired, and I was miffed that there wasn't any gameplay to be had after the story mission! Well, just a little thing to be fixed for next time eh? Lets hope for The Empire Strikes Back...
Also, I've been noticing that I can't play one game for very long before I crave another game. Only problem is that there isn't any games that can satisfy me. Odd. Am I alone here people (by people I mean my negative two readers).
Finally: Why can't there be more games like Resident Evil 4, which combined japanese sensibilities with american "ballz-to-the-wallz" design? It's a perfect formula! Jeese, studios want money right? So why not make a perfect combo. Not only will they make the dinaro, but gamers will be HAPPY! And really, what's wrong with that?
Life Saved...sort of.
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WAY bored
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by dr_mcguire on Comments
Uh Oh...
by dr_mcguire on Comments
Today I woke up to find that my school would be starting 2 hours late. Great, an oppertunityto catch up on some Mass Effect, right?Well, when I turned on my 360, I was greeted with the three Red Rings of Death!!! Now I'm not totally freaking out over this, am I? I've placed my repair order, and already my "repair box" is being shipped ot me. I'm extremely confident that my 360 will be repaired in a timely fashion. Only I'm not. I've heard so many horror stories about console repair I'm almost scarred to send off ,y 360, for fear of never seeing it again. All I can say is that the Microsoft website sure makes it seem like a painless process! I hope you guys wish me luck! I'll be back soon, seeing as I have nothing else to do with my time...
And Now For Somthing Completly Different
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2007: A Year To Remember
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What's A Game Without A Level?
by dr_mcguire on Comments
It's been awhile....anyway. I've been playing a lot of really good games lately, and I've been thinking: "Truly amazing levels make a game stand out." And that's why I've complied a list of my 5 favorite video game levels of ALL TIME. Here you go:
1-All Ghillied Up/One Shot, One KIll (Call of Duty 4) The emotions I felt when I first played this level were just unprecidented to me when it came to video games. The atmosphere is thick and makes you want to just scream from sheer suspense. The presentation is also excellent, and the way objectives must be completed are very unique. And the ending sequence where your tasked to hold off a DUMP LOAD of enemies with only a sniper rifle and some claymores is truly terrifying.
2-The Village (Resident Evil 4) The village sequence that kicks off REsident Evil 4 truly sets the tone for the entire game. Not only does it succesfully introduce you into the game world, but it manages to reinvent a series in a few short minutes. The first walkthrough a village infested with freakish ghouls is truly an experience.
3-Ravenholm (Half-Life 2) A sense of dread is all you feel at the begining of this level, but just a few minutes after getting your first buzz-saw, the level becomes a roller coaster ride for survival. Plus it has a crazy eastern european clergy man. What could go wrong?
4-The Temple of Time (Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker) At the begining of this level the player is confronted by a horde of frozen enemies. IT's awesome. BUt after aquiring the master sword, everything goes downhill fast. The combat is easily the single most epic moment in a Zelda game ever. Fighting squads of Darknuts at first was a daunting task, but then it just becomes fun, and this is the single most memorable moment for me from the Zelda series.
5-The Last Level from GRAW2 (GRAW2) The name of this level has escaped my memory, but the game-play hasn't. IN fact, it's not so much the last level, but the entire game. It's an action packed ride through Mexico thats amazingly fun. The combat is intense, and the presentation is awesome. THe player really gets the feeling that they are saving the world. Epic!
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