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dr_mcguire Blog


I was sick today. I love beign sick. No matter how crappy I feel, a little multiplayer mayhem always makes me feel better. I had already played a few matches. So, I pulled up a new one, and I was really in the zone. I WAS IN THE ZONE!!!! And so the secodn the match starts, llllaaaaaaagggggg! I seriosuly meleed a guy 5 TIMES, with the shot gun (whic is normally a 2 shot melle equals bleed out), but it didn't seem to have any effect on the guy, and he just blasted me once with the shot gun and i went to bleed out mode!!!! This happened, oh,....... 8 TIMES!!!! And then once the pign stareted improving, i would knock a guy down into bleed out mode, and i was pumped, when all of a sudden, while the guys in bleed out mode, HE SHOT GUNS ME!!!! I was so lagged, that it didn't regester that he had shot me until like 3 seconds later!!!!! I've heard about bad lag on other 360 games, and occasionally peopel in GOW complain, but it never happened to me. I can't believe that Microsoft is lettign this go on with very little about it. They coudl at least release a patch to help with this. It makes me so.....AH!! ANGRY!!! But i geuss this is a small price to pay for the best online there is. One in 20 matchs with lag is acceptable. BUT REALLY ANNOYING!!! I think we shoudl do somthign about this. Do whatever you can. Start a petition.....riot....write your congressman. Do whatever it takes to fix that lllllllllaaaaaaaaggggg!

Stoned People And You

Last night I was playing a good game of Gears of War. I was happy. Everyone in the game was having a good time. Then, this one guy decides to put on his mic, and announces he's drunk. I figured that he would maybe just brag about his mad skills. Well, he did that (ALOT), but he also decided he would sing, talk about other peoples race, and just be a huge jerk. I hadn't ever played against somone that was drunk like this. His attitude and behavior appaled me. I was shocked to here form one of the guys on my team that this happens all the time to him. I think it's REALLY bad that a bunch of drunk looneys are allowed to behave the way this guy did. I just want to say, if you meet somone online that is A: drunk and B: being a total jerk, report it!

Console Wars: Why The PS3 Stinks

Since I haven't been blogging on this site for more than a day, non of you will know about my total hatred of Sony. Now, I have nothing against the people that run Sony (except for Ken Kutaraga, or w/e the guys name is), and I don't think that they're actually a bad company. I just don't think that their feeling as supirior to the othre console manufacturers is right. First off, Nintendo has been aroudn longer than anyone thats making consoles, and they continue to innovate in an industry that is sorely lacking anything drasticly new. On the Microsoft front of things, they have a more open veiw of the industry, and they aren't under the impression that they have the perfect console. They do talk alot about how the 360 has a wide appeal to both casual and hardcore gamers, but they aren't actting cocky about it. Sony, on the other hand, prances around talking about how much the PS3 is gonna blow off your socks. And yet, it essentially the 360, with a downgraded online service, comprable graphics, a Blu-Ray disc drive (LOADING TIMES!!!), and a Wii rip off motion sensitive feature. It has the poor mans version of the other consoles, but at an insanly high price point. I could buy both of the other consoles, and get the same features as the PS3, for 50 bucks more. Thats two consoles for essentially the price of one!! I think that the recent "fight" between Mr. Ken, and a producer from Epic (makers of the freakin' awesme Gears of War). Ken stated out by talking about how the Next-Gen would start when Sony wanted it to. The Epic guy ( I can't find this guys name!!!) got pissed off, and said that that was B.S., and that the Next-Gen is here. He talked about how Gears of War looked far better than any PS3 launch title. These statments are a good thing if your in the Microsoft boat, because this means that Epic will be much less likely to want to work with Sony, and there will be more 360 exclusives. In a later interveiw, Kutaragi said "We do not care." when asked about the PS3s possibley (and hopeully) dissmile holiday sales. Cocky much, no? Well, theres my case, and I hope that before you buy a PS3, think about it....

Halo 3 Speculations

Well, with Halo 3 being jsut about the most anticipated game of the Next Gen, it isn't surprising that I have thought up several indeas about the plot, gameplay, and other...stuff. First off, i think that we can all agree that more Spartans are going to show up in this one. If you haven't either seen the Halo Wars trailer, or read the books, then you need to know that many other SPARTANS are alive, other than Master Cheif. Also, with Halo 3 beign the closing chapter of this story arc, somehting BIG is in store, and come on, we all want to see pretty pink SPARTANS. Also, I hope that a squad-ish system will be in place, featuring possibly use of the headset or the vision camera, giving the game a whole new level of emerzion (I know I didn't spell that right..). Another thing that I think Halo 2 was sorly lacking, was a better story. I mean, the main line was greta and all, but we didn't get any look at the overarching plot, adn the ending...I won't even go there. An even deeper look into the Covenants society would be appriciated, and who doesn't want to know more about the Forerunners??? I was thinking, maybe the so called Forerunners could jsut happen to be humans. I m ean, think about it. In the announcment trailer, the center piece is a huge Forerunner instillation, on, where else, Earth. Or possibly, Earth could serve a Hitchhiker Gudie to the Galaxy esque purpose (i.e. maybe it's either like a program to set off all the Halos, or its somthing like a big experiment, a guinea pig of sorts for the Forerunners). The last thing I want to say about the story is that, DON"T SHOW THE CHEIFS FACE!!! DON"T DO IT!!! My final coment about Halo 3, is about the characters. First off, don't make us play as the Arbiter. Maybe the option of differnet character paths (chose a character, follow their path), would give the game not only different veiws of the story, but a lot of replay value. And Bungie, please don't kill anyone like Srgt., or the Cheif. Keep them, so the series can go on. My last speculations are about the Halo series as a whole. A few months back, a Forerunner project was announced. I'm pretty sure this is the RTS, and it was code named Forerunner, because Halo was originally planned as an RTS, so the series is goign back to its roots. You know. The RTS is the series's forerunner.....yeah. And on the subject of further Halo FPSes, I think that Bungie shoudln't look to the future, but to the past. A game should be made that sheds more light on the stories complex background. Well, that's my 2 cents of the day!
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