Sorry to my negative 3 readers that I haven't updated in a while. I've been pretty busy playing Rock Band and Assassins Creed, whihc by the way are two great games. Also, those two games conviniently bring me to my real subject: the true next-gen games that have come out so far this generation. Now, keep in mind that most of my experience is limited to the 360 and word of mouth, but this is a fairly accurate (if not opinionated) list of the true next-gen gems.Â
Crysis- All I have really played of Crysis is the demo. But holy cow, was it impressive. Yeah sure, the story seems fairly bare bones, and the voice acting is...cheesy, but the overall package is beyond impressive. The graphics alone make this game stand out. THis is probably the closest to photo realism we'll get in a game until the sequal. Also, the gameplay, although fairly standardly structured, really breaks the mdl with the nanosuit powers and free-form mission structure. Definitly an important game for FPSes.
Rock Band- Although Rock band doesn't introduce a WHOLE lot to the music genre, it perfects so much, and pulls it off remarkably well. The gameplay is solid, and the interface is damn near perfect. Also, it really plays off the gamers emotions by making them feel like their in aband better than Guitar Hero can claim to do. Plus, it has the drums controller. That controller alon makes me feel like a rock star. Truly next-gen.Â
Super Mario Galaxy- I haven't gotten my hand son this game yet, but it looks VERY impressive. Off the bat, the graphics look very polished for a Wii game. Also, from what I've heard, the gameplay really takes platforming to a new level. And I believe it. Platformers have been yawn-inducingly similar for 20 years, but it seems like Galaxy may finally have shaken up to formula. Good job Mario!
Crackdown- Ok, so not everyone liked htis game, right? But I freakin LOVEEE it. THe graphics are pretty good. Th gameplay is solid. There's jump-in-and-play co-op. And the city is one of the most wide open, living cities in game history. THe polish in this game is amazing, and it feels like a truly next-gen game, even if not everone agrees wiht me on that.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare- I can't praise this game enough! Everything about it is pitch perfect, and the multiplayer is so rich and deep that there's no way you could deny that it is pushing the FPS genre in a new, better direction. Also, the fact that the story is short, but ridiculously powerful is somthing that I hope to see in more games this generation. I could even say COD4 stands up there with RE4 as one of my favorite games! Yeah, I said it!
Assassins Creed- Liek Crackdown, this game hasn't been favored across the board, but I think that it really does tings new and exciting very well. First off, the graphics and animations are probably the best of any open world game on consoles. Altair feels more life like than any other hero in a game, (except for the fact that he runs like he has a turd in his pants...). And the gameplay is unique because of the hardcore-esque platforming. and a fighting system that is very original. Also, the crowd "dynamic" is pulled off very well, and impressed me.Â
Well, there you have it. That's my current list of truly next-gen games, and I can guarentee that I'll be updating it with new titales ona regualr basis (here's looking at you GTA4 and Force Unleashed). Next up on my planned list of veiws on the implimentation of music in games...?
dr_mcguire Blog
Halo 3: Shut Up About It Already!
by dr_mcguire on Comments
Let me put this out front before I say anything else: I think Halos 1,2, and 3 are great games. In fact, the Halo series are argueably in the top 10 best FPSes of the past two console generations. But here's the truth: they're not as awesome as peole say they are. There are SO MANY other games that are leaps and bounds better than Halo that don't get the recognitiont hey deserve. Liek Half-Life. PC gamers appreciate that series for what it is: the landmark in FPS games. But console gamer (and honestly, these days that seems like the majority) ignore the awesomeness of Gordan and Co. In fact, Halo outsold The Orange Box by a crap load the past month. Why does that happen? The Orange Box is the greatest deal in gaming of all time containing 3 amazing FPSes, an awesome multiplayer shooter, and one of the most fun puzzlers ever. Halo 3, although filled with content, honestly pales in comparison to Half-Life. But it still outsold 3 Half-Lifes! People will tell you that Halo has great graphics, great gameplay, great story, and great multiplayer. Sure. But so many other games do all that jsut as well, if not better! Look at Call of Duty 4! Look at the sure-to-be mind blowing Mass Effect! Heck, look at friggin Resistance! They all pull of the things that make Halo "unique" amazingly! But all you ever hear is hyping of Master Chief! Now here are the cold hard facts:
-Halo's story-mode mission are remarkably linear except for the ocassional vehicle segments-the gameplay is SOOO basic. It's simple run-and-gun action-the story...In Halo 1 and 2 good-ish. In Halo 3? NON EXSISTENT-the multiplayer, although easy to get into, is very generic once you get down to it
Now I could go on and on about how m any other games do the Halo thang well, but I don't need to. I've told you why Halo is an overhyped, bangwagon deal for Microsoft. But now I want to complain about the people that follow this bandwagon! Most of the people that LOVE Halo simply aren't good at anything otehr then generic shoot 'em ups. There is so LITTLE thinking required in Halo, that I have friends who openly admit to simply having a path that they follow in every single map. Now how is that innovative? So just shut up, and admit that Halo isn't all that and a bag of potatoe chips! Next for me to yell at: well, I'm kidna running out of peopel to yell at (at the moment), so I geuss I'll do some lists of my favorite games of all time. Until then!
-Halo's story-mode mission are remarkably linear except for the ocassional vehicle segments-the gameplay is SOOO basic. It's simple run-and-gun action-the story...In Halo 1 and 2 good-ish. In Halo 3? NON EXSISTENT-the multiplayer, although easy to get into, is very generic once you get down to it
Now I could go on and on about how m any other games do the Halo thang well, but I don't need to. I've told you why Halo is an overhyped, bangwagon deal for Microsoft. But now I want to complain about the people that follow this bandwagon! Most of the people that LOVE Halo simply aren't good at anything otehr then generic shoot 'em ups. There is so LITTLE thinking required in Halo, that I have friends who openly admit to simply having a path that they follow in every single map. Now how is that innovative? So just shut up, and admit that Halo isn't all that and a bag of potatoe chips! Next for me to yell at: well, I'm kidna running out of peopel to yell at (at the moment), so I geuss I'll do some lists of my favorite games of all time. Until then!
Madden "Gamers"
by dr_mcguire on Comments
As promised, here are my veiws on the supposed group of Madden "gamers" we hear about alot these days. First off, what is the supposed Madden "gamer"? Its people that play exclusivly, or nearly exclusivly Madden games. Ok, so does that make them a gamer? No way in h3ll! I get people talking to me about video games and when i ask them "What's your favorite game?" they reply Why, Madden (current year) of course!" "Do you consider yourself a gamer?" I ask. "Well duh son!" Thats bull crap man. I'm sick of peopel labeling themselves as gamers because they play the same stale, tired game year after year and consider themselves harcore. You not a gamer unless you at least DABBLE in creative, interesting games like Zelda, OKAMI, and...well, I'll give you Halo. But to claim to be a gamer when your only experience is friggin Madden, no. That crosses the line. Oh yeah, and MADDEN ISN'T GOOD!! That's another thing that bugs me. The game i remarkably similar every year, and that just boring. I mean, where's the skill of pressing one of the face buttons, and then avoiding dull-as-a-doorknob defense A.I. to score a T.D?? Its rediculous to think that your a gamer for being able to do what a dolphin could pull off! So next time you hear a person wearing a football jersey sitting around playing a game of Madden, tell them "YOU AREN'T A GAMER!" So just stop pretending. And oh yeah, whats the deal with this whole "Madden Football Superbowl" crap!?! It's just a bunch of fat guys standing around a TV screen playing the same MEDICORE game, year after year!!! How can you label that a SUperbowl. Then again, the Superbowl itself is pretty fake...Well, that's all the complaining I can do for now. Next up in my "Your NOT Cool" series of blog posts: the NOT-amazingness of Halo 3.Â
Guitar Hero?
by dr_mcguire on Comments
Ok. Here's all I have to say: why do people play guitar hero when they could play real guitar??? Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Guitar Hero. And I'm gonna to ADORE Rock Band. But I also love playing my guitar in real life. Why is it so complicated to pick up an insturment and learn to play some lix? Sure, Guitar Hero gives you a chance to play some of the best songs of ALL TIME but playing real guitar is more satisfying, and requires more passion. Look at the people that are REALLY good at Guitar Hero: a bunch of fat, emo kids. But the people that play guitar are truly skilled, and have a passion for what they're doing. Is it that peopel are to lazy? I think it is. Now this is gonna sound lame, but I think that the fact that more people play a guitar game than real guitar is showing the decline of society. HAHAHA. But really! If you just got off your lazy @$$ and put aside 2 hours a week to learn to play guitar, you could be playing all the songs in Guitar Hero...and more! It jsut disgusts me when a sloppy emo punk walks up to me and asks me "What's your score on Freebird?" All I have to say is "I don't like the tuning." What I get back is a stare of disbelif form a face encrusted in Cheez-It crumbs. Ok, so that was a kinda lame example, but you get it. Not a fan of people thinking their musicians because they can play a game. Also, whats with Madden gamers?? I'll have to write about that another time...
COD4 (Not the Beta this time!)
by dr_mcguire on Comments
"Oh. Snap!" That's what I said at the end of Call of Duty 4. This game is AWESOMEEEE!!! The beta was killer, and the gmae itself is just...MIND BLOWING. I LOVE IT! In other news, there's this girl who i think I like that I think likes me and now im gonna rant! I haven't had a girl friend in a while, but this girl. Man. I've liked her for a while, and we/ve had conversations lately that have been killer. I feel a real connection. So, to my negative 2 readers, PRAY FOR ME! Now, back to COD! (read my full review that isn't full of BS!)
COD 4 Beta (YES!!!!)
by dr_mcguire on Comments
Well, I'm glad to say that i got into the Beta. It. Is. Awesome. Seriosuly. At first glance it's basiclly an average shooter with really good graphics. But once you start getting perks, new challenges, and new weapons, it just becomes addicting. The perks aren't VITAL to gameplay, but I personally like that. I see them more as a way to customize your character than as a way to change the game completely. The challenges, although not nessacery, are implimented well, and give you reason to try out all the different weapons. They also act as mini achievements, which is awesome. And the weapons. Oh, the glorious weapons. Not only do they look and feel great, but they're jsut plain fun to use. I don't know how to describe it, but I felt more attached to my gun than i have in any other game. This beta wioll definatly hold me over until Halo 3, and trust me, COD 4 will soon be in my collection list!!
COD 4 Beta (GER!!)
by dr_mcguire on Comments
By now, I'm sure a bunch of you guys have heard about the trouble surronding GameSpot users having toruble with their so called "Token" code. I'm among htem. I'm more than a little mad. O well. If you're wondering, heres what ive, er, deduced, from reading the comments on the COD4 Beta sign up: The waiting list is POSSIBLY (hopefully) a list of people that have had tokens reserved for them tommorow (the 11th). I have no real explanation for the dreaded blank emails. I jsut REALLY want to get in on this Beta! It looks amazing. THe whole perks system looks awesome, and the community that Infinity Ward is building around it seems almost like Bungie with the Halos! Thats awesome! Well, next time i update, i hope to have the bEta!!!
by dr_mcguire on Comments
First off, YOU GUYS DIDN"T JOIN MY UNION!!! I'm MAD!!! But ok. I'll survive. Now to the point. Last night I was playing Gears. I was PWNING with like 15 or sumting headshots. And then i lost connection. All those awesome headshots. COunted ofr. NOTHING. Great. I think that this seriosuly has to be fixed. And also, I was playing what would have been a great mathc, but the host seemed to hav sum like invincibility sheild, so we could onyl kill him with the chainsaw!!! WTF!! Beware of anyone with the word Jedi in their gamertag that nevr speaks!!! You have been warned!
My Grand Spanken New Union
by dr_mcguire on Comments
I just created a union called "Marcus Fenix For President", and we need members. So, if you're a fan of Gears of War, and want to talk to other people about your total, undying love of the game, JOIN MY UNION! Just drop a member request by me, and I'll accept you in no time!
No Good, Dirty Rotten, Girl Friend Stealing, "Friends"
by dr_mcguire on Comments
Today I'm gonna break from tradition, and talk about me personal life. I used to think that I had the best friends ever. I was happy. I had a girlfriend I liked. I was on top of the world. Then it all broke down, and ever since then, I've been on a downward spiral. It all started when one of my "friends" started flirting with my girlfriend beind my back,a nd then she dumped me to go out wiht him. Once they broke up, wihtin a day, she was with my best friend. That lasted 3 days, and then she dumped my best friend for my other friend. WTF!!! This girl is a total b****, and a total whore, and yet, my friends continue to fall for her. Im not jsut callign er that because she dumped me, but because she truly is the definition of a b****. And now, all of my "friends" either don't want to hang out with me, or they are just total jerks to me, OR they plan get togethers and don;t invite me. And they delibratly make it so I know about them. Why, all of a sudden, does the world hate me??? I can't even find shelter in video games, somthing that I have always done to vent anger. All this......STUFF makes it impossible for me to concintrate. I'm playing like a n00b!!! I feel like theres no way in heaven or hell that I'll be able to escape this!!!
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