Thissunday was the Aki Matsuri 2007, this event consist in a cultural encounter where México and Japan show some regional food, music, dances and other stuff. To the event assist the mexican people who wants to learn about Japan and japanese people who wants to know some mexican culture, but not just that some japanese who are living in México assist to show to their children about their roots or get products that cant get in the country.
For some reason instead of paying with the national currency I had to change my money for some paper with the equivalent money.
In the Aki MatsuriI tried some japanese food like takoyaki, manjūand ramen, I bought a little metalicsamurai figure and a lucky four leaves clover.
The box where it was.
The figure
Another pic
A manjū.
It was fun, there was a lot of food, figures, plants, etc.
Video for the occasion
I did not post it before because Im lazy
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